
Responses from stevecham

Thiels or Von Schweikerts
Please let us know what you eventually decide on and why. As a Thiel fan, one of these days I'm gonna have to hear some VS speakers to learn what all the fuss/excitement is about. 
CDP Upgrade
Bring the wife along and include her in the process. Years ago I had a Parasound 100 player and auditioned Mark Levinson, Classe, Krell and Meridian and, with her feddback, we decided on the Meridian 508.24. There has been CDP satisfaction and spo... 
Measuring speaker impedance dips
Most modern, higher quality amps are well up to the task loading down to 4 Ohms.And these measurements are often made with swept signals, not music, which is far more complex and very transient in nature when it comes to short term frequencies of ... 
Choice of tube amp?
That Pass amp is truly top notch, there are few alternatives that offer as much.I also second that motion to try a tube pre in your system, at least at a lowered risk, experimental, information gathering perspective.For tube I have satisfying resu... 
The Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd
From my sometimes hazy college days I think I remember something to the effect that if you start DSOM right at the point where Dorothy opens the door to reveal the color of the land of Oz. Academic myth perhaps? Never tried it and am not intereste... 
Best upgrade path?
What do you want more/less of? 
Solid state; when would you use tubes?
Biomimetic: If you are used to solid state and are curious you really do need to do yourself a gear favor and get up close and personal with an all tube based system for awhile. I was a complete solid state fanatic and for years vowed I would nenv... 
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature Evolution
Johnstassi is it possible that the tilt back on the 2Ce Sigs you listened to were not at the same angle as your original speakers? As you know that makes a world of difference in the tonal balance in the listening position. 
Favorite Tube Speaker Match
Conrad Johnson CAV50 powering Vandersteen 2Ce Signatures.Heaven on earth. 
Speaker for NAD C320BEE
Vandersteen 1c 
Vandersteen 2Ce Signature Evolution
Sorry can't answer that; all I know is that the ones I purchased new earlier this year sound freakin' fantastic! 
Tool kit for cartridge setup
go to music direct's website and you can buy the new Michael Fremer dvd on how to set up. 
Tips to install cartridge
Have fun but remember to GO SLOW. Do this when you have some true free time and are not rushed in any way. Be very patient and relaxed. 
I need help choosing my next tube preamp.
I would go with a used Conrad Johnson preamp, a 17 or 16 or other model. They by far make some of the finest tube gear on the planet. One look at the internal construction of CJ equipment and you will agree. And the sound...well you hear everythin... 
Thiel CS3.6 and Aerial 10T Comparison
My experience was owning original CS7s, deciding we were going to downsize and selling these, purchasing Dynaudio Contour 3.0 and then regretting every minute of it after about a week. The Dyns were eventually replaced with CS6s, which remain my m...