
Responses from stevecham

Anybody tried using Shelter w/JMW arms?
This response from the great people at VPI! I much appreciate their fast response to my questions and for corrrecting my error concerning VPI being at fault:"The problem is the cartridge, not the arm. Thereis no standard for stylus to mounting scr... 
Why so few turntable reviews?
Hmmm, I am not so sure that the "current" LP movement as you call it will die off anytime soon. There are good reasons why this format never died to begin with, and until digital provides the same level of emotional engagement to the listening exp... 
your most memorable component
Thiel CS6 speakers 
Mounting a Shelter 501 on a JMW/9
New Shelter 501 mkll on my jmw 10.5, same problem as cited here. All the way forward still missing the jmw protractor dot by about 1 mm. I am convinced this is a combination of Shelter and VPI incompatibiity. VPI should make a warning on their web... 
Anybody tried using Shelter w/JMW arms?
Yagbol2, This seems to an incompatibility with this arm and this cart. I too now have the identical situation you descriibe, and yet using the cart in its 1 mm short of perfect OH adjustment, it tracks and sounds fabulous anyway. But even with my ... 
Best object in your listening room.
Bijar, Iran rug 9 x 12 still mesmerizes me while listening and gazing. 
Anyone else evolve beyond tubes?
I have had good experience ordering tubes from the tube depot and the tube store. Only one Mullard EL34 from about the last 50 tubes, I ordered from both of them, failed.But try as I might, I still can't get those Chinese tubes, pre or power, to s... 
Wood blocks underneath components?? snake oil?
Remember Newton's first law? The thing is if anything is vibrating, it doesn't matter what it is also vibrating, either parts of itself or whatever it is in contact with. Even at zero G, the vibrating thing is going to vibrate the enclosure it is ... 
CONRAD JOHNSON MV50 Owners, anyone outthere?
Does a CAV50 count? Wonderful piece of gear. 
Question about Meadowlark E Floorstanders
Provided you are using quality amplification that won't clip into the load afforded by the Meadowlark at the power levels you need in your room, it is better to have a more powerful amp than an under-rated one. It is usually amp clipping that caus... 
What? Cant hear the voices
I found that distance-wise, the front L/R speakers need to be the same distance as the center from your litening/viewing position, otherwise, there are out of phase problems created as a result of the different distances of voice content speakers ... 
Vinyl reviews website
Thanks Richard, I'm in!Steve 
Need feedback from Bryston amp owners
I had a 4BST for several years and then the 7BST monoblocks until I became a fan of Krell. Bryston makes great sounding, solid equipment that I never found to anything but well balanced. The only drawback for me was an inability to handle very dif... 
Question about Meadowlark E Floorstanders
I have a pair of Kestrel 2s that sound great powered by a Rogue Cronus integrated tube amp. The Cronus is rated at 55WPC into 8 Ohms. I also found that the 8 Ohm taps sounded better than the 4 Ohm ones, so in my experience they are very easy to dr... 
What song turns back the clock?
Hello Goodbye -Beatles, the first time I heard music played back on a "high end" system at my new friend's house on his father's system. That would have been 1967 and I was in the fifth grade. The table was Dual, the amp was probably an Eico or Dy...