
Discussions stereoisomer has started

2 Monitor Audio Silver RS8 + 2 Sunfire SDS 12 subwoofers + 1 B&K St-202+ Sonata amp...6172
Musical Fidelity 550K Supercharger monoblocs6930
Straight up comparison REL T7 subwoofer vs Sunfire SDS 12 woofer. Preferences or opinions?381413
I'm looking for a pair of interconnects that won't shatter the bank....718751
Guys, this is part of the issue I am asking about in my other thread...321920
My last question went so well I thought I'd try another about speaker comparisons...15965
I really could use some help here.....497232
Questions never stop ever, it seems.217315
Considering a POSSIBLE replacement for speakers. Opinions?831658
REL T5 vs REL T7 subwoofers 96658
Well, user error isn't over just yet *sigh*159814
Audiogon Friday Feel Good Story of the Week255120
User Error Disaster391922
A "How To" question on Sunfire SDS 12 set up. Any advice welcome.37754
Someone who has heard at least one of these...19961