

Responses from stereo5

From Vandersteen 2CE to Devore Gibbons 8 or Focal
I am glad ytou are enjoying the speakers. I remember John DeVore voiced the speakers with Audio Note tube amps and he designed them for small apartment dwellers. Let me know yiur thoughts after a week of listening. I am so happy the speakers went ... 
Odyssey Kismet Reference Speakers-
My Odyssey amp now has over 1,000 hours on it. I love the amp and found it to be the best solid state amp I have ever had in my system. This amp is definitely a keeper as I feel there is no need to look any further.The Kismet Reference differs fro... 
Need Help Deciding
Go with the Definitive Tech Mythos, STS. You won't be sorry. 
Has anyone tried the Shunyata Diamondback PC?
I use Shunyata Diamondback cords on all my source components and preamp. I use a Shunyata Coppperhead cord on my power amp. With the Shunyata cords, there is no background noise and the music seems to flow better. I also use Shunyata Guardian's fo... 
Just got Audible Illusions L1, but it sound harsh
You have a truly great preamp there. It is essentially the line stage version of my Modulus 3A. Do your Energy speakers use metal dome tweeters? I ask because I had speakers with metal domes and the sound could be a little shrill. I now use speake... 
Just got Audible Illusions L1, but it sound harsh
I would buy a matched set of 6h23neb tubes from the Tube Store and let them burn in for a day or so. I am using those tubes in my Modulus 3A preamp and it has been a revelation. The Sovtek 6922 tubes that Art Ferris previously used in your preamp ... 
Tube failure -- what would happen in worst case?
Elizabeth, I have kept both my Audible Illusions Modulus 3 and Modulus 3A four tube preamp on continuiously since I bought them. The Modulus 3 has been on constantly for 16 years and the Modulus 3A for 10 years. The only time I have turned them of... 
Power Cord: Need to choose from these, please help
I would add Shunyata to your list, blows away most cords. 
Record Clamps, which one and why?
I compared the VPI stainless record clamp to the TT Weights 1080 gram clamp with bubble level made for VPI on my VPI Scout turntable and found the TT Weights to do a better job of clamping the record, and also seemed to solidify the bass. I am qui... 
Rotel RB1080 vs Odyssey Stratos vs McCormack DNA
You can buy a new Odyssey Khartago 110wpc amp for 895.00 NEW direct from Odyssey Audio. I just took delivery of a new Stratos Extreme with both the K board upgrade and cable upgrade this past Thursday. This amp replaced a 2,999.00 Classe Audio amp... 
My Odyssey Stratos Extreme---It has Arrived
I am using Devore Gibbon 8 speakers and an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A tube preamp. The amp is sounding better by the hour.Bob 
My Odyssey Stratos Extreme---It has Arrived
I sure was. Everything just seemed to fall into place. 
MIT cables and tubes, are they compatible?
I use all MIT cables (Terminator 2) interconnects and speaker throughout my system. I use a tube preamp and solid sate amp. The sound is glorious and I have never felt the need to change cables. 
Kps 20t CD player.. Looking for CD stabilizer puck
Check with tt Weights in Canada. He custom machines record clamps. He may be able to help you. 
Best System for Pink Floyd
As a long time Pink Floyd fan since 1968, I have always used their music when selecting components. As they still are my favorite group even after 42 years, I always get something new when listening to their music.My present system reproduces thei...