
Responses from steakster

Question about high current amps versus "not high current amps"
@gregm +1 High current is shorthand for delivering more current on demand.  The P=IE formula remains the same. An imperfect analogy would be gas engines.  A Ford F-350 will go 60 mph.  A Ford Fiesta will also go 60 mph.  When towing a trailer wi... 
Can we make major musical discoveries at age 50, 65, or 80?
My new discoveries are from the past. Jazz and Classical. For some reason, the 4 inch speakers in my Pontiac Tempest convertible didn’t do them justice. 🤔 If I had a time machine, I’d be visiting the recording of ’The Great Summit’ with Louis Arms... 
After buying the digital cable in this review, my system went from 2D to 3D. It became even more so when I went with a full loom of the same series of SR Atmosphere signal cables. - - - - Two days ago, I swapped positions of just two power cords... 
Would you rent a $14,000 DAC for $75 per day?
I think this idea has potential, If you’re okay with possible damage, loss and theft, start with the Tambaqui and see what happens. I'm guessing there would be more interest in auditioning speakers. But they don’t ship well. If you’re a serial en... 
Snake River Audio Power Cables - Best Unboxing
Here's a Snake River Cottonmouth Gold power cord for sale.  
Duracell 660 Powerstation to Run my System off of the mains?
Interesting discussion here. Stromtank here.  
Kimber Select KS-1136 XLRs vs. Synergistic Research Galileo SX XLRs
My 2¢. I haven’t done the comparison that you’re asking about. After reading this review, I purchased this SR Galileo UEF Digital cable. It provided my system with a substantial jump in performance. More musical, more engaging. I was very pleas... 
sources for DIY speaker cables
VH Audio  
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
@grunge1000 The electricity I receive at my humble abode is generated over 100 miles away. . . How on gods green earth can a 6 foot cable running into my amplifier make a difference?   During a two week rafting trip down the Colorado River -... 
budget AES/EBU?
Maybe you can find one of these cables on the used market close to your price range. Mostly likely, the AES/EBU versions have a similar SQ as the S/PDIF.  
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
@yoyoyaya What you are describing is akin to: The Scientific Method. Curiously, cable-contrarians claim 'science' to substantiate their arguments. Using measurements as sophistry. How does one measure qualitative vs quantitative? Just like the ... 
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords?
@lalitk "...but it’s important to remember and rely on time and context to form meaningful impressions. Patience is the key in evaluating a piece of gear as sometimes subtle differences reveal themselves over days or weeks, not in an instant. +... 
The Disappearing Act
The Disappearing Act   Your audio question reminds me of another artform. In filmmaking, the goal is ’suspension of disbelief’. To be so engrossed in the storytelling that the audience disregards that they’re sitting in a movie theater. The e... 
Is there a vacuum tube summary poster similar to this grape varietal summary
Tube SQ will vary with different circuit designs. No graphic illustrations, but the following is informative. - - - - Joe’s Tube Lore The Tube Museum Brent Jesse At Upscale Audio, Kevin Deal describes the SQ of various tubes - such as this v... 
What % Of Your System Are Your Cables?
Re: Wave Theory. This video is very informative. It’s worthwhile to watch the whole thing. How Electricity Actually Works.