
Responses from stanhifi

Cerious cables - Proper setup and run in time
Good will and peace towards men. How about joining me my skeptical friend???:-) 
indra users/fans---
Indra and Varidig Sextet are very expensive cables vis a vis the competition. Are they worth the expense? That's strictly up to the buyer. However, they are arguably the best products available; this has been confirmed by both hobbyists and profes... 
Why not just unplug it?
Maybe you need to adjust the clock to Eastern Daylight Time instead of Daylight Savings Time. Seriously though it appears you have no idea wbat you're doing and/or what you hear. Maybe it's time to downgrade and save some money. Good luck and good... 
Cerious cables - Proper setup and run in time
Just another gimmick. They are not worth your listening time. Cables costing half as much (Zu Varial) smoke them. Check out 6moons. 
Another sign SACD is dying
>>Have you been to MusicDirect and see How many SACDthey are selling?My local Chevrolet dealer has a lot of Chevrolets for sale but I have no idea how many he is actually selling. Nice try though.I enjoy your posts as well. 
seperates over integrated. Why?
Perhaps you missed the posts on the advantages of separate power supplies and chassis for each component. I hope that helps you understand better now. Good luck!! 
Rega P25, would it sound better than my CDP?
>>LPs are fun, turntables look cool, but I'm really not convinced they offer any significant sonic improvement over a good modern CD player.<<I'm convinced. 
Another sign SACD is dying
>>We all should be focusing on topics of promoting how good and beneficial SACD is<<"We" should? Why? Are "we" in the trade?>>Maybe the target audience is less, but it is not a sign of dying.<<???????? Really? >>I lik... 
seperates over integrated. Why?
>>But can a separate system be built to compete with the NAD 320BEE integrated for $499?<<Of course not but price was not an integral part of the discussion.Robm321, not condescending just being factual. Ask any designer or engineer in... 
To Edgar Kramer re the Cerious update:
There you go. You gotta love it!! 
seperates over integrated. Why?
Thanks Joe. Couldn't agree any more. To clarify my position succintly, I would bet anybody any amount that if your Orchestra Reference were split into a pair of monoblocks and linestage, the performance would be even better than a single chassis u... 
Another sign SACD is dying
>>So, I guess your point is that SACD's will be available for a long time?<<LOL but yes they may be around for a long time but not as the format of choice.Longevity is no indicator of superior performance. If that were the case my 69 O... 
Warm and pleasing CDP - can be biased, colored
Wadia is as far from warm as tubes are from solid state. Now before the Wadia henchmen charge the gates, they make a great product. Well built, superb sonics in their own way, but hardly warm. 
Another sign SACD is dying
8 tracks, beta, audio cassettes, VHS, SACD. Get the picture? 
seperates over integrated. Why?
Trelja I totally agree. A well designed integrated amp will smoke a poorly designed, poorly built pair of separate components. My point is, all things being equal, separates offer inherent advantages that cannot be matched by an integrated. I stan...