
Responses from stanhifi

Help Alien spores on my vinyl...
Invasion of the Vinyl Snatchers. Don't fall asleep. 
Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there?
>>I wouldn't run & buy an analogue setup unless you are willing to spend at least 10-15K on the setup.<< One can spend far less on an analogue system that will crush the EMM. 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
$600 is a lot of money to some people; don't be so disingenuous.You're hearing what you want to hear. About $500 flushed down the old porcelain altar. 
Tube or SS for Vocals/Strings
>>Welcome back, Marco. You've been missed<<By whom? Do not speak for anybody but yourself please. Thanks for that consideration. 
Any reliability horror stories out there?
Can you say ASL? 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
You're quite welcome as always. It's nice to be the voice of reason in a thread of hyperbole. 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
>>The more I read the more I suspect there is nothing special being done with the Reality Check<<I agree. This product, along with many other new products, is being hyped by a handful of enthusiastic folks who have spent serious money.... 
The end of LP collecting????
Collecting vinyl for profit is no different than wine, stamps, coins, art, etc. The hobbyist is no more (or less) righteous than the entrepreneur looking to make a buck. Stop your whining and grow up. 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
>>he would initiate a post when he excited about something<<Getting excited and calling something one of the most significant advancements in 40 years (or whatever the precise wording happens to be) is simply disingenouos. A clear thin... 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
>>is it overhyped?<<Robm321Please read posts from other threads by the initiator of this one regarding other products and it will be quite evident. Have fun. 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
>>why no discussion on Audiogon. Is it because Stanhifi is not allowed to post there?<<I am posting here. Are you on the same planet as the rest of us? 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
Tvad I'm simply protecting unknowing folks from shills pushing bogus and marginal products. Consider it a service from a concerned ombudsman. Thank you. 
How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?
Is this similiar to the doppler radar preamplifier, liquid cerarmic cables, and $8000 isolation bases that we've read so much about? What or who is the common thread among them? 
Recommendations to "Professional" Reviewers?
>>reviewers should not accept 'perks of any kind' from manufacturers<<That's right. No dinners, no lunches, no vacations, no freebies, no samples, no special pricing. However this IS how the review process works and we all must be cogn... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Fair winds and following seas Patrick.