
Responses from spiritofmusic

Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Phil, your analysis is a very clear explanation of what I think is going on. It's quite a surreal experience to have all the positives of digital (stable timing and consequent lack of time "smear", image stability) with all the advantages of analo... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
It's a strange irony that my push away from belt drive is the direct result of finally getting digital that I really liked to listen to. My current EMM CDSA SE cd was such a step beyond my previous Orbe tt, that analogue for the first time wasn't ... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Phil, before about 2007, I really felt analogue was far in advance of digital. At the time I was running my Michell Orbe/SME V/Transfiguration Temper Supreme tt front end, and Marantz SA1 cd/sacd, into ProAc spkrs. My tt was warm and tonal, the cd... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Peter, I understand the tenor of your post. No, I haven't heard all these tts so shouldn't make such sweeping statements. I have heard the SME 20 and 30, TW Acustic AC3, Brinkmann Bardo and La Grange, Clearaudio Innovation, Grand Prix Monaco, and ... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Doing my best to keep this thread moving. The only downside I'm experiencing is an ABSOLUTE need for the setup, more precisely the Terminator air bearing arm, to have unimpeded air supply (v. easy to achieve by careful placement of the pump hose),... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Hey, hope this thread isn't losing priority because Def 4 owners are bored with them? Hopefully it's because you're all glued to your seats listening to them!So I'm due to have mine installed by early Sep after they've gone out for professional re... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
I agree Lewm, it's just that this tt seems particularly adept at picking out spatial cues that really add to the presentation of tonality and transparency between different recordings. Other tts have done this as well, but often at the expense of ... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
One amazing aspect of the Salvation/Terminator combination, as a result of it's superior transparency and neutrality, is it's ability to resolve the differences in recording quality between lps from the Golden Age of audio (50's to early 70's) and... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Well, my Def 4s have arrived in the UK, and are going to be the subject of a professional review before I get my hands on them.Like the majority of people listening in real world environments, it's just not possible for me to do extensive room tre... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Charles, you can add Hovland gear to the list of that prove that the Zu's are amp friendly. My HP200 tube pre and Radia ss pow have a great synergy with the 2s and I am more confident by the day this will be the case with the 4s.I'm of the opinion... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
I am in a fair amount of agreement with Agear re power and room issues being essential to get a good sound, after all it is the foundation (power) and enviroment (room acoustics) that the gear is constrained by.After some expensive forays into pow... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Matt, you've really cheered me up today. Your post has filled me confidence that the one area I felt the Def2s were lacking compared to other top end speakers has been addressed, ie restricted top end extension/transparency and resultant muted dyn... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
There seems to be a lot of skepticism re use of the Resomat, and with good foundation; it seems all tts utilise some form of clamping/peripheral ring/vacuum hold down to force the lp flush with the platter surface.Vic's use of the Resomat flies ag... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Guys, is it possible to bring this discussion back to the subject of this thread? Namely the Def4s.How intuitive are the 5 way controls on the backs of the speakers? Is it fairly easy to find the best settings, set and forget? Or do they lend them... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Contact with Johnjc pushed me further in the direction of buying the Salvation/Terminator, a decision I consider the best I've made in audio. The only thing is that it's revealed a possible need to examine further need to upgrade cart/phono since ...