
Responses from spiritofmusic

Neodio NR22 Cd player - thoughts?
Well, I am investigating whether that elusive cd player is out there that can hold it's head up high with my new really sweet sounding analogue rig. I'm afraid the Stahl Tek is a LITTLE out of reach, but the Neodio may still do it for me. I'm a li... 
Neodio NR22 Cd player - thoughts?
No tubes, just a well isolated analog clock, and OTT damping/vibration control.The EERA TENTATION that I'm considering also has it's main claim to fame being serious vibration control thru internal damping and the over engineered Gyropint 2 transp... 
Neodio NR22 Cd player - thoughts?
Gentleman, I can't stretch to the Stahl Tek, short of a lottery win. Having just made what I believe will be my last ever analogue upgrade, which is extremely neutral displaying the best of digital in it's presentation, I'm now on the search to fi... 
Neodio NR22 Cd player - thoughts?
Just upgraded to Trans Fi Audio Salvation direct rim drive tt (I have a thread running on the Analog Forum) with Terminator T3Pro air bearing linear tracking tonearm. The banishing of belt drive time domain bass smear and neutral tracking of the a... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Hi Pete, the arm wand sits over an inch clear to the right of the platter when not in use/ready to cue up, so no real chance of damage unless you're overly clumsy.What is more of an issue is that the arm rig is fixed over the platter ie can't be s... 
Neodio NR22 Cd player - thoughts?
Well there is a possibility of hearing the one box player, and transp/dac in the UK. What's interesting for me is that players which were touted as analogue like, ie the Marantz SA-1 and AMR CD-777, I didn't at all get on with, but the EMM CDSA SE... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Redglobe, on examing the tt/platter, I'm confident it could support the outer ring. There's about an inch and a half between the outside of an lp to any obstruction eg arm pod.But there is one practical issue. The Terminator arm is fixed horizonta... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Hi Lewm, my apologies if my prev. comment sounded like I was showing lack of patience, nothing could be further from the truth. I fully understand that I appear to be in a party of one as someone who has heard it and then bought it. I know that th... 
Neodio NR22 Cd player - thoughts?
Lloyd, yes I have followed the Audio Exotics thread. My inference is that many, if not all there, seem to favour it, some like it even more than the Stahl Tek. This is interesting because re UK pricing the latter is 4x more expensive (and let us n... 
Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?
Gentlemen, some v. good news. I am to take delivery of my Def4s later this month, they are currently in the hands of a reviewer which will hopefully lead to a positive professional review.I'm actually suprised there have been no other formal revie... 
Neodio NR22 Cd player - thoughts?
Sabai, obv. system synergy is everything! Happy with EMM, but always on the lookout for more natural, analogue sounding digital. Ironically I've invested in a tt/arm which actually brings a lot of what is good about digital to analogue replay whic... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
This thread is taking a, shall I say, overly fastidious direction. I'm a little suprised the Resomat is taking up so much discussion, it's a $50 add on. The Salvation can run without it, so those unsure, for good reason about the Resomat's pracica... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
So, can we all agree that the Resomat will be system specific? With the Salvation in my set up it appears to work better with than without. In others the opposite will often be true. At c.$50 a shot, surely it can't harm to try? 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
Vic is definitely of the opinion that no matter how much you try to fix a warped lp to the platter via clamps/rings/vacuum hold down etc, the v. nature of the warp, being fixed and unforgiving will mean that the warp will 'fight' the flattening an... 
Trans Fi Salvation direct rim drive turntable
That's a REALLY good question. I'm not sure if I've got the correct answer, and I wouldn't want to give you any BS.All I can say is that there appears to be minimal wavering on piano notes or loud passages/crescendos where undoubtedly groove stylu...