
Responses from speakermaster

Audio Lessons Learned - post your best advice for the newer members!
Everything is important to good sound but the synergy of the entire system is the most important thing it is not just one brand or how much you spend on the gear price does not determine quality of sound. Good sound is determined by good design an... 
Two subwoofers for two channel music listening
Each method will work but the first one would be prferable to me because the pre amp method would strongly depend on the features of the pre amp and the first method the features are usually on the sub like volume level and phase. 
Best type of metal for turntable platform?
If you need vibration reduction you want an isolated wood not metal under a turntable but if you want to you should use brass as a metal nothing else.but a thick wood shelf about 2 to 4 inches thick of laminated wood like a butcher block will work... 
Audiogon Is Still Relevent...Don't Listen to the Naysayers.
Audio listening is all about keeping an open mind and learning what is good and not good and the more you listen the more you will understand that most of what is sold is off and not musical trust your ears. 
What speakers are shown in the movie The Counselor?
meridian digital active loudspeaker system top of the line probably around 60 to 80 k. 
Speaker cable length
You really do not want to go over the magic sound of an eight foot pair of speaker cables especially with the sound of a full range system. 
Which Component Has the Greatest Affect on Low-Level Listening
A full range full frequency response speaker will have the most effect on low level listening. Also a full sounding amplifier will help at low levels. 
Killer used integrated for
I would look for an old tandberg integrated may pay a little more than 500 dollars but not much. 
Mickey Mouse Ears
If you have hearing loss this works but if you want want natural sound it does not. 
A stupid question for which there's no sensible answer.
This is not a dumb question at all but i can say that it is the whole system of everything that is the upgrade making sure that every part and parcel works together. 
Life span of silver cables with cotton/air dielectric
I can tell you that i have silver cables and the more old they get the better they sound because corrosion and oxidation do not affect their performance at all in fact the more age on them the better they sound. 
Some DACs I am Considering-Any thoughts?
I am not familiar with any of these but i have read about a lot of them the problem with all of these new startup digital companies is we just do not have a track record to go by it is scary reading about many many companies that did not even exis... 
This website has become S-L-O-W
I had the problem only for a short time the problem has seemed to go away . 
Gain Matching - need advice
You do have a gain problem because of the having to use balanced interconnects it gives you 12 decibels more gain than what you think 6 db from the pre amp and amp each that would give you 32 plus 18 which is 50 db of gain way too much on an avant... 
DVD player playing CD's
Try them in your system ans see how they do and sound if they sound good to you that is all that matters.