

Responses from soundsrealaudio

Oppo Ceasing production
Did Trump put a tariff on them? 
Need tube preamp recommendations please
4hannonsWhat I like about the deHavilland is the very large sound stage. My thoughts are that this pre can be used in very expensive systems so that if upgrades are made to the system the UltraVerve will still be around.  
Need tube preamp recommendations please
deHavilland Hi Fi UltraVerve....huge over achiever......http://www.dehavillandhifi.com/UltraVerve-Preamplifier.htm 
4 Ohm or 8 Ohms Taps EL34 MonoBlocks
You tell us................... 
Power amp/integrated amp suggestions for SUPER POWER HUNGRY/INEFFICIENT SPEAKERS
I don't see it the same way you do. 87 db. is not all that bad. I have speakers that are 87 db efficient and have driven them with 845 single ended tube amps. 28 watts. The speakers look good. I would look for a good sounding tube amp KT 88's woul... 
Speakers "Disappearing"
Most speakers I have heard would sound much better if they did  " disappear ". 
Classic Over-reaction!
I would add a power condition for your toaster. The hum should get a lot more musical. 
Speakers least affected by room acoustics
The problem with most speakers is not always the drivers, ie a 10" woofer or whatever. The problem is usually a result of the cabinet resonance and what frequency it resonates at. High mass speakers have a low resonance point. Bad for your room, s... 
MAKING THE JUMP ... From Inherited Speakers to the right choice < 2K Price
Go with the Tannoy. Not so anal.  
Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range
Just reading TAS. The new Magico M3 are highlighted. They finally went to a carbon fiber cabinet. Valin says it is the best cabinet design he has heard. You can get a pair for about $75,000Alternatively you could get Wilson Beseech speakers made w... 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Lets just say it is and get on with our lives, what life we have left. 
The ups and downs of tube vs. SS...
I like tubes as well. Keep in mind however that not all tubes sound good. You can't just buy any tube amp/preamp and expect good sound. Not sure what your interests are but for others a good starting point is a single ended amplifier with appropri... 
Who makes budget speaker cables which are truly “good” or “exceptional” in quality?
Your Analysis Plus are truly a budget and bargain cable. 
Balanced cables
It depends on who you believe 
Where do I start-amp or speakers ?
I would totally change things up. Think about a nice tube integrated and some smallish speakers to pair with it. Speakers with a minimal cross over i.e. Ref 3A. They would usually be more efficient then most. Have some fun here. Sophia Electric am...