
Responses from sol322

Mapleshade speaker cables?
I couldn't resist mention that just got a copy of Kendra Shank's Afterglow ( In TAS Super disc list) In a nutshell I'm amazed what quality sound comes out of my speakers!!!! Definitely if you listen to this might realize first that CD has been bla... 
PSB Gold , NHT 3.3, Paradigm 100 V2?
Support Rick and his all around performance recommendation for the Stratus. This speaker is up to the task even after you make several upgrades to other components in your system. Your Sunfire should provide plenty to get a very appealing presenta... 
Using a demagnitizer on compact Discs?
I've found the process worth performing but it's effect doesn't last that long. Many reviewers Robert Hartley included mention this procedure with the bulk demagnetizer. If you check Nordost site on their ECO 3 antistat they claim improvements are... 
DVD Player that sounds right
Dolphin: Could you share your findings in comparing these two options between them. I understand which was the best option for you but would like to have more input from you on these. Regards 
Best speakers for 2500....thump included
Shabbadoo: From what I've read your Perraux has plenty to drive speakers. A different angle here, you can get new Gold (drop me an e-mail if interested)i's at a very good price and you could used the saved cash in improvements such as a dedicated ... 
Power Cord Advice
Check threads in June-July There's plenty of information about this 
MSB DAC II vs DAC III or others?
Might consider checking Stereophile this month has MSB III review. Regards 
The BEST system you've ever built !!!!
Gentlemen I had to stop reading since I ran out of bibs... What a group of set ups you have!!!!! My only comment is that BEST is always a moving target so every one of us at the level we are in, we all are in the same quest 
Too much bass even in large room...?
Speaker position in room is important be aware that having the same distance from side to front wall might give problems in response. Bear in mind that your listening position affects amount of perceived bass. So changing both can be a fix for thi... 
Air Bladder Isolation, Cheap
Group some comments to consider: Tom how tight do you fill the tubes? My experience is the same as Gthirteen that points to minimally inflate them. On the other hand be aware that oils attack rubber and in the long run weaken the wall material whi... 
too laid back, or deeper soundstage?
If the setup of speakers and components in your rack/room has not changed and you did optimize for your previous components this also adds to the difference in presentation different equipment renders (and you're noticing) I've found differences a... 
Blue-tac or spikes?
If veneer is a concern you can protect it with clear packaging tape. If needed the tape can be removed warming it up with a hair drier and genlty pulling it off at an angle close to 160 degrees carefully. If removing speakers from tack don't pull ... 
Small Dedicated Listening Room???
Had very close situation to yours before. Suggest wall treatment at least with fiberglass panels for front side and rear walls. Don't over do it since too dead a room might be the result. If possible do the ceiling as well. I got very good pointer... 
Best Full Range Speakers @ Around $2000?
Deborah: Can you change your listening position? In other words it seems that you need to address the accoustic situation that you have are the speakers with the long or short wall behind? If you can get a test tone cd with a tone close to that an... 
Better Electronics or New Cables???
If you covered basics like dedicated line... if money is available front end electronics and interconnects