
Responses from sol322

What could be instead of side walls?
Marakanetz:If you would like to have an idea about what the situation is without the TV in between or for serious 2 ch listening, you just can place a blanket over the TV and its furniture (if any) and compare. The only this requires is to leave t... 
Power Conditioner deleterious to digital sources?
Atzen:Elgordo brings up a very good point, for example computer end use designed PLC's don´t cut it for audio....Has the PLC given adequate break in time ? 
Pass Aleph vs. McCormack: What to Expect?
Dill:I believe you , the same has happened to me !!!!! The ltest I did as to isolate the amp from floor and guessed it bass improved a lot and the better power cord I used improved performance all across the board 
Any harm in using an amp with the face down
Depending on amp specific you're dealing with there can be convection cooling interference that might lead to decreased cooling / higher working temperatures. Also consider that resonance / vibration issues are affected by say footers and placing ... 
Speaker placement along the long wall
WywhcanYes I got the dogs and the old man monologue as well.Where do you hear the cougar(?)roar at the beginning of track one? 
Belafonte at Carnegie Hall CD
Bianchi Thanks for your input I´ve been away for quite some timeLuis 
Babyproofing Stand-mounted speakers
Rives:Excellent proposition regarding the toys!!!!This is an audio forum but we have houses, wives, kids, less than perfect non dedicated rooms etc. i. e. real world.As a matter of fact my living room doubles as music room and have a soon to be to... 
Speaker placement along the long wall
WywhcanI´m also in the long wall club.....What song /time Amused does have the dog effect=?Thanks 
Weird Bass Reponse on my Speakers.
Ted: You definitely have very nice equipment . Now to the bass..IF you have a camera tripod you can attach the SPL and set it in your chair at the same position your head is and measure / writing results easier ...... see following comments below1... 
Study finds your Amplifier reveal your personality
Anyone with mood "clipping" episodes yet? 
Low Voltage on Circuit
Buckingham:If it´s the power company´s fault or the particular house you´re in, try to check voltage at a neighbors house to see if the situation is the same (Dunno if that´s possible?) Does the house has 240 feed with two phases?Don´t know but mi... 
Resonance Problem
Have you tried moving the rack position in the room?Can you find if the effect is present with low fr. music playing?There´s a possibility that you have your rack in an accoustic reinforcing point of your room. 
Dunlavy SC-IV vs. Aerial 10T characteristics
Wings:What amplification are you using with your 3.6´s? 
TRELJA in New York, 2002
TreljaIt´s really interesting having an impression on what´s like to attend such an event. I´ve been in expositions but mainly for my previous job in the chemical industry and look forward to having the chance to attend an "audio" show.I really... 
What are you trying to tweak improve?
Adding a small detail to Paul´s comment above if your points are "point up" to the equipment chassis and there´s more weight on top of the unit, too much pressue will be concentrated in the point and might dent/damage the unit