
Responses from sol322

Sony 9000ES better CD/SACD than 999ES
Yada:Would you mind sharing the total cost for the 999 modified, if you rather e-mail me directly I don't mindThanks 
Sony 9000ES better CD/SACD than 999ES
Sorlowski and other fellow A'goners:The math tells us quite a bit and I agree that having that much money to make it sound right is a no-no if you can not really gage the investment vs the final quality of sound. I really would like to invest in a... 
Sony 9000ES better CD/SACD than 999ES
Panorama:did you compare them for CD sound quality?Thanks 
Dealing with an unstable, vibrating wood floor...
Dirtyragamuffin:You'll be the best to judge your compromises considering improvements doing the play around.... but I'd say that the windows and the radiators can be dealt with on a for listening time basis kind of treatments (carpets, curtains,et... 
Dealing with an unstable, vibrating wood floor...
Dirtyragamuffin:Your situation is difficult indeed. Don't think you might be able to fix completely but you can "improve".1-Do you have any place where the floor doesnt bobble that much? If you can find the betterplace you can decrease the ammount... 
Which Golden Ratio??? .......Help
Go to the Cardas website you can find info there or in the reference accoustics booksLuis 
Cable elevators
My tile floors aren't carpeted in the area where the speaker cables are. I tried elevating the cables and noticed a difference in sound A/B in different times and there is an improvement. How you do it has a bearing with what you hear in the sever... 
Listening to ALL your music
I think most of us stick to a certain frecquent menu and forgot about a considerable ammount of music we own.I played a little trick to add surprise to my listening:numbered all discs and made a random number generation in a simple excell spreadsh... 
Loosing dynamics with power plant
Mitchb:Stehno suggestion trying the amp in a different circuit is worth trying anyway, you might be pleasantly surprised. The amp could affect with it's power requirements what you are getting out of the PS.Luis 
Cd player or Nautilus 804
Macct:Have you made any further progress in your situation with the speakers?PLS advise statusDo you have accoustic treatments in your room? What's the distance between the speakers and to your listening chair?12" from the wall (rear I suppose) is... 
Cd player or Nautilus 804
Just to widen your analysis perspective do you have any tweaks on your source meaning cones, etc.In spite of speakers been same brand the room response does change, a look at accoustic treatments and placement mya be worth.Good luck and keep us po... 
How do you get past the pops and hiss of LPs?
Ease up guys relax!!!!!!How do you get past hiss and pops??Well you can try having a Boa constrictor near by for the hiss to be common and train your ears to it...the pop well why not do the same with a corn poper pot in the kitchen.......At first... 
Best Sinatra...?
A third vote for At the Sands Great stuff!! 
Placement of Salons to maximize soundstaging
If dimensions allow seat a little more away from them and try less toe in. DonĀ“t overlook control of sidewall / floor/ceiling reflections.Follow the Cardas advise and also read the Handbook of acoustics by F. Alton Everest if you have not done it ... 
Amp heat sinks are ringing
There are a couple of alternatives that I have used succesfully:1- Use small strips of bycicle inner tube less than 1/2 in wide rolled up to adequate thickness and push them between adjacent fins down to close to the fin base (shoot for this dimen...