
Responses from soix

Anybody else waiting for GaN and Purify to have a baby?
To me nothing beats out Linear SS Pure Class-A to at least >50w then you have your "warmth" and "fleshiness" but also with hyper detail and sense, immediacy, slam, and startle factor. I’m a fan of Class-A amps’ sound as well — not so much the e... 
DAC for dummies
Unless you’re looking to do quite a bit more research on DACs, going with the Moon’s internal DAC is the easiest and safest bet since the Sim Audio house sound seems to work for you with your speakers.  I’d say just go for it, and if you do end up... 
Anybody else waiting for GaN and Purify to have a baby?
initial reactions to the mini 5 are quite positive btw... still listening, swapping, assessing, will report findings in about a week or so i would hopeMucho looking forward to your findings @jjss49 — any of the initial “chalkiness” clear up? 
Helping a friend build a new system
Raven Nighthawk - $3300Raven Soniquil interconnects - $134 (1m)Raven Soniquil power cord- $224 (2m)LSA-10 Statement monitors - $2500 Core Power Diamond speaker cable - $299 (8ft) w/LSA-10 purchaseTOTAL - $6457 + shipping/tax (if any)Just one idea.... 
Audience Clairaudient 1+1
I demoed a pair of these and they sounded awful.  Rolled off highs, limited dynamics, cloudy mids — just awful. I was running them off a McCormack DNA-0.5 Rev A amp and brought them to my buddy’s house where we ran them off his Bryston 3BSST2 and ... 
surround processor?
Anyone not famillar with home theatre systems will likely not get timing. Um, what?  That has nothing to do with the topic being discussed.  As far as assuming things, I’m very familiar with home theater and enjoy mine immensely, but before I had ... 
Two channel and home theater room under construction
AFAIK, resilient channel is for isolating noise, not for improving room acoustics.If you read Earl Geddes’ “Premium Home Theater,” which is an excellent tutorial on how to build a good-sounding room, resilient channels are one of the most effectiv... 
Anybody else waiting for GaN and Purify to have a baby?
in the front or the back?Yeah I was definitely referring to the front and not the back — not that there’s anything wrong with that. Having to do mods tells me design is in question.Not sure about that — coulda just been cost constraints in designi... 
Anybody else waiting for GaN and Purify to have a baby?
Class D offers the ability to have a similar distortion signature, but at a much lower level, easily over a magnitude lower. This allows the amp to also be more neutral. A class D amplifier also does not need regular service, makes a lot less heat... 
surround processor?
No, what’s funny is when someone obviously doesn’t know what they’re talking about and blatantly flaunts it in front of people who do.  Joke’s on you dude.  
Two channel and home theater room under construction
So, you’re doing resilient channels in the ceiling but not the walls? 
surround processor?
So what are the compromises multichannel processors make that undermine achieving that end?Where to start? Ok, noise is a good one. Having the delicate stereo signal in the same proximity to all the noisy digital processing, etc. going on in an AV... 
surround processor?
 you can find a quite satisfying middle ground that will work for both video and music without needing separate systems. Sure, but you can also have an even more satisfying system that gives you the best of both worlds in one system, if only you k... 
Audio Mirror DAC Tubadour III SE Signature Edition Non oversampling Tube DAC
From what I read about it(and there’s very little)it seems like a DAC that could be compared to the Denafrip sound signatures.I tend to doubt this. While they both are R2R DACs, the Denafrips DACs are solid state and the AM DACs — as their product... 
LSA 20 Signature Loudspeaker / Great Performer & Great $ Bargain until end of the year
Well, as per the OP...For all the details regarding build quality, specifics on the 20’s performance, and design take a look at the review.Incidentally, teajay bought the review samples after reviewing them for The Stereo Times, which I highly dou...