Responses from soix
Advice Needed deciding new Phones Given your tastes and other equipment I’d highly recommend the Hifiman Arya v3 Stealths. I have them and they retail for $1700 but there’s a nice used pair on USAM for $950 you might be able to negotiate on since he’s the second owner. They are ve... | |
DAC comparison I've been test driving cars. The Audi S5 and S6 are illustrative / representative of the same. Uber competent. Yet missing more than something [for me]. : ) It’s called Porsche. That’s what you’re missing. | |
Euro Tumble While I appreciate the thought as a finance guy, I think you’re gonna find a lot of your savings eaten up by higher shipping costs to be worth the effort depending on how much you’re spending of course — think squeezing two ends of the same balloo... | |
Interconnect or USB cable Me’all? Neither. I’d get another sub first. I think that will give you the most significant improvement. | |
Upgrade from Kimber D60 Digital Coax cable I have Stereovox XVll that is the next gen D60 from the same maker and you can get this on Amazon for 60 bucks that beats it IMHO… | |
Has anyone herd the Hegel h390 What preamp are you using with the Bryston? What improvements would you like to achieve over what you have now. What turntable/cartridge do you have? | |
After the thrill is gone Appears that hanging around for 65 years still hasn’t dissuaded me from hunting unicorns. Other than possibly age I don’t think that makes you any different from 95% of the people here. Spoiled by rooms I had in past houses with no real cons... | |
Weird Not sure if this will make any difference, but if the passive radiators are only on one side of the cabinet you might try just switching the speakers to the other side and see what happens. Just spitballing here. | |
Weird Do you think it’s due to the acoustics of my listening space? My guess would be you’re sitting in a null created buy how both subs are interacting with your room and each other. Try playing with speaker positioning and your listening position ... | |
After the thrill is gone Agree with @mikelavigne — it’s all about getting your preferences and a design’s trade offs to play nice together, and every speaker design has trade offs. So, from that perspective you damn well better choose the design that works best for your ... | |
How do you like the Headphone Section in your Luxmans? Check out a Singxer SA-1. It’s fully balanced and operates in Class A, and at $599 new it’s certainly worth checking out. I can’t speak to Luxman headphone amps in their integrateds, but I think it’s fair to say for the most part they’re an afte... | |
USB Noise filter on R2R DAC ? I’m not aware that an R2R DAC per se is any more noise resistant than any other DAC depending on whatever noise filtering is built into it as previously mentioned. I’d at least try throwing something like an Optical Rendu in front of your DAC. T... | |
What cable companies make the best cables and sell them directly? I think VH Audio? is another standup, high-value option to check out. So many options at this point it’s a bit mind boggling. Read reviews to thin down the herd and then buy used and/or go with a direct seller with a good trial policy. To me, b... | |
STREAMING - QOBUZ VS TIDAL AND ROON'S PREFERENCES @larry5729 you are correct that Qobuz doesn’t offer MQA, but most people feel that’s a plus for Qobuz as MQA requires multiple unfolding and, as I understand it, MQA alters the original content to what some sound engineers think it “should” sound ... | |
I have a feel good story.... My bad, I thought they were married and ran VTL together before she split off on her own. Sorry that I got that wrong. |