
Responses from sogood51

Two subwoofers in smallish HT room?
EldartfordOur systems are somewhat similar...planers, three subs with six large drivers. I suspect the difference that I measure and you don't are related to X-over and mains settings.Sounds like you run the Maggies full-range thus always the same... 
Two subwoofers in smallish HT room?
EldartfordI also run three subs, your measurements go right along with my findings. My Onkyo M-504 sub amp has large power meters and confirm that very little power is needed to shake my 4,800 cubic ft. room on it's cement slab floor.I do indeed h... 
Two subwoofers in smallish HT room?
EldartfordI guess I'll just agree to disagree findings are very different than yours. I would hate to be standing in the room when those 20hz booms take place though...should take no more than 100,000 watts or so to blow the windows and ... 
Two subwoofers in smallish HT room?
More reading on out-of phase subs. 
Two subwoofers in smallish HT room?
The out of phase hook-up method is used more for fun...has nothing to do with boosting SPL or trying to effect or not effect room modes.Two subs in front and two subs in rear (out of phase) give deep bass sound effects in movies a roll-through wav... 
Two subwoofers in smallish HT room?
EldartfordSounds like you use a high X-over setting with your subs...boom should not be a problem.Dave 
Two subwoofers in smallish HT room?
EldartfordPhase inverted rear sub is being put to use by a few people these days...along with myself.I read about this at Vmps's web site around 8 years ago so gave it a listen and loved it. There was also a long thread at the Audiocircle forum re... 
is interconnect more important than speaker cable
Don't flip out...your cables are fine.To answer your question: "I have often heard from audiophiles and dealers that you spend more money on your interconnects than your speaker cables because they are more important for your system."Dear 
Big Sound = Big Speakers = Big Problems?
Sure, your correct...many times it is the recording. A recording mixed with even the best intention towards sound quality may not sound very good when played back for several reasons:A big one as far as bass goes might be and often is..the person ... 
Big Sound = Big Speakers = Big Problems?
Well, if you look at your rooms dimensions you have a room mode at 282.50hz. Room modes are caused by the dimensions of ones room.The reason I mention the 282.50 freq. mode is because that one is common to all three dimensions, so is stacked one u... 
"Audiogon" Music Reviews at last
Wow, you went all out Ben...very nice. I have added a link in my bookmarks toolbar and will give it a very good read tomorrow, (bed time) for us old folks. Thanks!Dave 
Newbie Question
" will an external amp like the ATi 2007 or the B & K 200.7really make much of a difference in the sound,clarity,sound stage presence etc my system sounds prety good now."I doubt it, Your going about it the wrong way anyway. I would only add a... 
difference between Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS 5.1?
The DTS track is always a larger file, how could they be the same? You will only need to strip both soundtracks to see this.Dave 
Best of Audiogon Members
Living in an audiophile starved area with only a very few others can leed one to beleave that he knows a little something about audio...after all, those boys down at Best Buy do seem somewhat slow to grasp what your are talking about sometimes.Fin... 
Best of Audiogon Members
Living in an audiophile starved area with only a very few others can leed one to beleave that he knows a little something about audio...after all, those boys down at Best Buy do seem somewhat slow to grasp what your are talking about sometimes.Fin...