
Responses from sns

Best SET power amp below $5,000
Nothing wrong with your present amp, although any electrolytic caps may be due for changing out, I previously owned Art Audio SET.   Yeah, these designs tried and true, in some cases parts quality has gone up. At present I have custom built 300B... 
Placement of Components
I learned many years ago height is most important aspect of placement regardless where located, keep it low!  
The Music Room
There may be handling charges involved as well. I used to audition cables through lending library at Cable Company, no expectation this was a free service. Try returning audio purchase from private individual, doubt you'll fine much luck here.  
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
+10 on comments from those attesting to valves ability to resolve/transparency with the best.   Over generalizations really have no place here, components with valves are widely variable, one can have romantic or analytical presentations, far to... 
Amp Internal Wire
This is not necessarily replacing a weak link, in many cases its just change in voicing, coloring. Certainly amp with point to point wiring going to be far more amenable to cable changes, changing out a single or couple wires in component using ci... 
New amp listening fatigue: Distortion or ??????
I owned the Hyperion couple years ago, couldn't acclimate to it's deficiencies in my setup. I actually preferred a Musical Fidelity M2si to the Hyperion, eventually decided ss didn't work for me, went to 300B SET amps.  
Amp Internal Wire
My custom built 300B SET monoblocks has OCC silver internal wire and same for output transformers, I did replace a couple internal wires with Duelund dca for a bit more warmth. My speakers wired with combo Furutech and Duelund dca, Jantzen solid c... 
I saw AG member's post about "the best cables" sold directly. What about Anti cables?
Tried them many years ago, this after trying a multitude of cables from Cable Co. lending library over many years. I thought them ok at price point, no freq. anomalies, lacking somewhat in transparency/resolving capabilities, not bad for what I'd ... 
What are some of the mistakes, failures or bad purchases of your audio history?
Audio Research SP9 Mk.III I purchased late 90's. Expecting much from this pre, AR well respected, so disappointed, low resolution/transparency, really just a bore.  
Sound quality of Roon
Sound quality of Roon just fine, with so many variables and unique streaming setups extremely likely many opinions on it's quality will be offered.   Per @mikelavigne . Do you think what may be best streaming equipment existent would use Roon if... 
Where do you want your system to go when you go?
Could be cremation.  
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
There are networking 'experts', and those who've integrated that knowledge with an understanding of how it relates to and affects audio streaming sound quality. People like John Swenson of Uptone Audio, and some others who can be found at audiophi... 
Is optical mostly a waste of time versus Ethernet?
For us generalists and/or audiophiles not expert in all the technicalities of streaming we have to rely on the designers of streaming equipment. @fredrik222  proposes himself as the expert above all experts, simply ignores designers of the steamin... 
How did 70s rock music transition into 80s music?
I'd agree with some of the posters mentioning stoner burnout. For boomers early 70's beginning of drug usage years, still lots of energy in youth culture, early 70's rock reflected this. By mid to late 70's, years of drug use was beginning to show... 
Musetec (LKS) MH-DA005 DAC
@melm Absolutely true on sound stage perspective  issue.   I recently listened to system far more recessed sound stage than mine, far too many variables to determine cause. I can only say any single one of so many variables could affect sound st...