
Responses from snooker14

What integrated with remote and phones
Don't know your price range, but the Cary SLI-80 certainly fits your description. Look it up on their web site. I am very happy with mine, 
Favorite solo piano players...cds
I will second the Kieth Jarret Koln concert . If you like Beethoven, Robert Silverman does all 32 piano sonatas on a 10 CD set. I think I got this set direct from Stereophile magazine. I am rather spoiled,since my wife plays the piano and the soun... 
My Poop theory by kublakhan
Ok. you win the bet Kahn. I am really glad you brought it up though. Sometimes, late at night and all alone in my own head ( a very unsafe neighborhood ) I have these fears that maybe I am different. Maybe I'm the only one who spends several thous... 
Thank-you for the info Kelly. I guess I better read the fine print a little better in the future. Bob 
I asked my favorite dealer that question when I was in a similar situation and he assured me that the warranty is good whether the card was sent in or not. Proof of purchase date is all that the manufacturers require. I have not yet had to test th... 
Black Level on Plasma Display
I have been reading a lot lately about Plasma and I am seriously thinking about the Sony PFM 42B. The one problem I keep reading about in reviews is that so far Plasma still cannot keep up with the best of the other types when it comes to black le... 
Audio Tekne
Drubin: My first listening showed them to be quite nice. I don't have a good base line to report from though, because they replaced some Homegrown Silver balanced between a Meridian 508-24 CD and a Levinson 380S preamp, and a pair of Monster balan... 
Audio Tekne
Well, I guess I will be the first to try them when I hook them up later today. I will let you know. 
Krell KAV-300iL Anyone own or heard
I have had the Krell 300i, Classe Cap150 and the Levinson 383 in my home for various lenthgs of time. I returned the Krell as soon as I was able to compare it with the Classe. The Krell was too in-my-face and bright while the Classe was very satis... 
I printed the picture and put it on my wife's pillow last night. She loved it. Some of you happily married folk might want to try it...... thanks Plasmatronic! 
Uh oh....
What I don't know won't hurt me. 
Trelja in New York
Trelja: if you get the Sequerra conditioner, let us know what you think. It is cheaper and smaller than PS audio, so I am seriously considering it too. 
Trelja in New York
I went to the show and I had a great time....why else would I have stayed for nearly 3 days? It was my first show and I went with an open mind and the sure knowledge that you can't get the best sound in a hotel.I got to see gear I never see except... 
Best Find Ever???
Massvm...I know from experience that Albert has already gotten way more out of his "investment" than he put in to it. Mostly, being a winner is in the mind. 
question about BOSE reputation
My wife once demanded that we do something about those big speakers in the living room. At the time I was using a 20 year old system with Tandberg separates and B&W DM-14 speakers. Since she loves her music,I went down to the local electronics...