
Responses from snooker14

B W 805 nautilus vs. matrix
I have both and the Nautilus is better for stereo listening. I use the matrix as a rear theater now.If money is the issue, the 805matrix will keep you happy. For me there is more of everything with the Nautilus, but please note...I sit very close ... 
One Month Music Discoveries
Nope: just found out about WEB site from you 
One Month Music Discoveries
Garfish: I started with the "Studio" album, and several more are now on the way from 
Where to buy "Heat Shrink Tubing" ?
Ace hardware and several other chain hardware stores carry it here in the sticks. 
One Month Music Discoveries
My two favorites for this month, are Cowboy Junkies(someone here was raving about them so I tried 'em and liked 'em) and everything by Patti Larkin! I also have been having a re-run with Sting. Whoever it was that turned me into a "junkie", thanks... 
Best single-malt Scotch...
Funny, but I can't remember any single malt ever tasting any different after the fourth or fifth one anyhow. I submit that the scientific proof shows there is absolutely no difference between various scotches.....they are all just alcohol after we... 
CDP 2K for Cary sli80 Shearwater H.R.
I have a Cary 303 with the SLI80 and B&W 805N and really like the combo. Upscale Audio in CA gave me a great deal a few months ago. But I have also hooked up my Rotel 991 at less than half the price and I could easily live with that combo too ... 
Bi-wiring mishap
Albert, did you all also have to memorize all 54(?) linesof Samuel Taylor Colleridge's poem in school? Wonder if we went to different schools together. I used to look for the maiden with the dulcimer in my visions too. 
Classe vs Levinson
Thank you all for your input. Although I thought my question was straight forward, simple and to the point, someone apparently must have thought not. So they gave me a double -2 . Would this person please advise me of the appropriate method I shou... 
Power Strip vs. Line Conditioner
Oops: Found the site and feel stupid now. 
Power Strip vs. Line Conditioner
I see a lot has been said about a wiremold power strip here, but I can't seem to find the WEB site. Can someone please point me in the right direction? 
Bi-wiring mishap
I really don't have anything to say to help you...sorry. On the other hand I fell out of my chair laughing while reading your post. So here is what I suggest. By all means get someone else to lend an ear and then write another post. I can't wait t... 
Impulsive audio purchase
Swampwalker: Jean Michel Jarre "Oxygene" original master recording. I did like it at one time, but not for long. 
Impulsive audio purchase
watch your mouth Avguygeorge! I recently catalogued my CD collection and found I have two MoFi CDs that are identical (and I don't like either one!) Noonen, you obviously have a strong subconscious desire to return to the womb. Just buy a turntabl... 
Power Cord For Audio Research gear
I have never met Stevemj. I keep reading the same posts over and over, with only a few words changedhere and there, on my computer. I have come to the inevitable conclusion that since I have seen no proof with my own eyes that Stevemj is actually ...