

Responses from snilf

The Rapid Rise (& Fall) of the CD
An interesting piece appeared recently in Stereophile about this topic. It concedes the statistical decline in CD (and vinyl) sales in favor of streaming, but then argues for keeping one's physical media for a variety of excellent reasons. Here's ... 
If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?
I agree with @sns when he mentions "sentience" as important in distinguishing real human minds from computer simulacra, but then he goes on to say "If people perceive it as a sentient being isn't it a sentient being?" This assumes something like t... 
If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?
I've got a long address to this very question, just published last month. Here's the link: https://www.cckp.space (go to the paper "Our Minds, Our Selves: Mind, Meaning, and Machines" to download it for free).  Short take: it's a mistake to consi... 
Does it have to sound good for you to like it?
  rok2id: "Please take the statements I made one by one and point out the ignorance of each." Funny; I was originally going to do just that. 1. "Classical is unique in that it’s the same music played over and over by different ensembles." The sa... 
Does it have to sound good for you to like it?
This post provokes answers to one of the perennial questions on this forum, implied by a snide remark attributed to Alan Parsons: "Audiophiles don't use their equipment to listen to your music. Audiophiles use your music to listen to their equipme... 
ADD or Audiophile?
Funny; I read "ADD" as "Analog/Digital/Digital," and expected this post to be about older vs. newer recording technologies. Don't believe in "multi-tasking." Research proves that it isn't really possible, that the brain can properly focus on only... 
How often, and how, do you clean your stylus?
I cut a round piece of Magic Eraser (lots of praise for this product used for this purpose) to fit into the cavity of a trimmed rubber furniture foot, which then sits on my turntable plinth between platter and tone arm rest. I lower the stylus ont... 
Am I right for this forum?
FWIW, I composed a LONG reply to these very many responses to my original message—but something was wrong with my account status when I tried to post it, I went to my account to fix the problem, and lost the entire thing. Took me well over an hour... 
Am I right for this forum?
What makes one an "audiophile" seems to have got stuck on how much one spends on audio equipment. I’ll grant, that’s certainly not irrelevant. But, as several have said (notably, mahgister, who sounds this theme regularly on this forum), the cost ... 
Am I right for this forum?
audphile1 no harm done, no offense taken. Farts happen. And a correction, by the way. As my overlong narrative concludes, $4,000 is a more accurate estimate of what I paid for the components in my system than $3,000. I guess I should read my own ... 
Am I right for this forum?
The above was posted before I had a chance to read the response from audphile1. Yes, you are "overthinking this" if you think my post was "designed to cause a stir" or smells of trolling. I've just explained how the "follow up pictures" DO, in fac... 
Am I right for this forum?
Wow. I had not anticipated that posting my Virtual System would result in accusations of being a troll. If grislybutter had read the (admittedly excessively long) narrative, he'd know that the many speakers in the photos were mostly borrowed, and ... 
Am I right for this forum?
Thanks to so many for so much encouragement—even to chrshanl37 for comparing my post to Stewart Smalley (ouch! but point taken). The general, and reasonable, consensus seems to be that "music lover" and "audiophile" are not synonymous, but not mut... 
No negative reviews ever? Maybe that's more or less the case now, but it was not always so. My preferred speaker (and I've heard about a dozen well-regarded and more expensive alternatives in my own listening space over the years, and own three) r... 
Stereophile review of the $30,000 tekton speakers
Stereophile Class A, etc.? Well... The PSB Synchrony One (I have a pair; they're in storage) were listed by Stereophile in 2012 as a starred “Class A Loudspeaker Recommended Component,” along with speakers costing up to $80,000 in that category, ...