

Responses from snackeyp

SME Tonearm Question
I did order the Audio Sensibility cable, arriving this week.  Thanks again for the help! 
Seeking Advise on New TT/Cart Purchase
Clearaudio turntables are great.  They really pack a lot of cutting edge tech into their models, even their entry-level line.  I've owned three of their turntables and the best bang for the buck was the Performance (SEP in my case, but currently c... 
SME Tonearm Question
Thanks for the suggestions.  While this type of cable is not very common I have found several options.This one comes highly recommended on another forum:http://audiosensibility.com/blog/products-2/phono-cables-occ-copper-and-occ-silver/#!/Impact-S... 
SME Tonearm Question
Thanks for posting this.  The link to Upscale's site does indeed state that the tonearm cable is not included.  I actually purchased mine from Upscale.  Mystery solved.  SME IV-Vi is not the same as SME IV.  SME IV-vi  was is SUMIKO exclusivehttps... 
SME Tonearm Question
OK, thanks for the responses.  Can anyone attest to the sound quality of the stock SME cable vs. third party cables?I can find an SME cable for around $100 second hand but third party cables are all 3-4 times that or more.  If I have to buy a cabl... 
Analogue Productions Pet Sounds Reissues
I agree on the sound quality.  This release is about as good as I have heard.  I'm not going to buy a future version because there is only so good you can get with mediocre sound to begin with.  The music is the draw on this one.  Just amazing! 
SME vs. Clearaudio Turntable Comparison - Thoughts?
I ended up choosing the SME 20/2 with a IV.Vi arm.  I've been using Clearaudio turntables for the past 10 years so I am up for trying something else.  I was able to get a NOS still sealed in the box for $2K below dealer cost so I had a tough time ... 
Looking to upgrade from a Clearaudio Ambient (garrard 301 vs technics sp10?)
I would never discourage anyone from upgrading equipment but if your current sound is a bit clinical as you say, it might not have as much to do with the turntable as it might be related to your choice of cartridge, phono preamp or amplifier.  For... 
I have a Primaluna Dialogue Premium HP.  I am using the stock EL34 tubes and my speakers are Harbeth Monitor 40.1's.  I have never heard a better amp.  The Harbeths are fairly easy to drive but not easy to power to their optimum sound.  I can say ... 
Jerry Garcia, A Legacy?
I never saw them play live, but their music is church for me.  Jerry was the leader of a band that brought joy to many folks such as me.  Beyond that it really doesn't matter what you think of his technical abilities.  He was one of a kind and a v... 
Best Record You Have Ever heard
Hard to choose between the entire catalogs of Sonny & Cher and The Partridge Family. 
Grateful Dead May 77 Box Set Announced
Of note on the vinyl release... It's limited to only 7,700 copies.  These will dry up fast given that this is the holy grail of shows.  By comparison, most of the RSD releases of the Dead had similar print runs and are now very hard to find withou... 
Grateful Dead May 77 Box Set Announced
I played the vinyl last night.  Got through sides one and two.  Sounds really good as expected.  What else can I say?  I gotta spin it a few more times to really compare the sound to the excellent sounding digital release. 
Grateful Dead May 77 Box Set Announced
I believe the Cornell show sounds better than the other shows in the box set.  Has anyone else noticed this?This is not to say the other shows don't sound really good, but Cornell sounds a lot better to me.  This makes sense considering its signif... 
Grateful Dead May 77 Box Set Announced
Got mine today.  Bought both the CD box set and the vinyl.  The CDs are stunning!  Can't wait to get into the LP probably tomorrow or later on in the weekend.  No complaints about the packaging.  Really beautiful.  OK, just one complaint:  the CDs...