

Responses from snackeyp

Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
I got the RP set up to work.  I don't know what changed, but I just tried plugging it in again after a day of wondering if I'd have to wait another week to get it resolved, and it worked!  I did the set up and am now in critical listening phase.  ... 
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
The 3400 does not use an XLR into the back of the amp like on the 2170.  They use an adaptor to a mini RCA plug that goes into the front of the amp.  I sent a message to Hi-Fi Heaven just now.  Hopefully it will get resolved quickly.  I honestly d... 
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
I have a problem.  I got the mic set up on the stand and proceeded to set up Room Perfect, but every time I started the process I got a mic signal error.  I checked the cables several times and everything looks good.  I don't believe I'm doing any... 
Lyngdorf TDAI-3400
Thanks for all the comments, folks.I will be setting up Room Perfect soon.  I just didn't have time to set it up yesterday when I unboxed it, so I decided to give it some listening time without RP so I can understand by comparison the difference i... 
Is there actually a difference?
I have owned three different SS amps and could hear the difference between them.I have owned two tube amps and could hear the difference between them.What others have said about the more expensive amps offering more power is true.  My ears prefer ... 
Simon and Garfunkel "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" MOFI UD1S
I received mine today and am listening to it now.I have never owned this record so I have no preconceived notions or expectations about it (other than the expectation of excellent sound).  I do know most of the songs but have never heard the album... 
Trouble Contacting Clear Day Cables
Chazzzy, thanks for the update.  I am shocked to hear he has terminal cancer, and it makes me very sad to hear this.  Let's not turn this thread into something negative by bickering about one person's intentions.  I fully believe that schubert did... 
Trouble Contacting Clear Day Cables
My prayers go out to Paul and his family.  Here is to a quick recovery to good health.   
How many members have climate controlled listening rooms
My home has central heating/cooling, which means my listening room is climate controlled.  I have not noticed a difference in sound based on temps and humidity, but I do make sure my AC is not running while listening in the summer.  The sound of t... 
Dick's / Dave's picks
Garebear I 100% agree with your take on this one.   
Parasound JC 3+ Phono Preamp Hum
I also have a JC3+ and do not have hum from it.  But I do have a tube amp, which has the normal tube noise that all tube amps I have ever owned have had.  I hope you are able to solve the issue soon.  I have had other Parasound products as well an... 
Phono Preamp Recommendations
I love my Parasound JC3+.  Previously owned the JC3 and upgraded to the +.  I have yet to hear better.   
Good carts with SME V
I have very much enjoyed the Kiseki Purple Heart with my SME IV tonearm.  Many great things have been written about this cart and my experience with it agrees with the experts.  The only problem is I had to add spacers between tonearm and cartridg... 
Favorite Dylan?
Does anyone else just love New Morning? Ever since "The Man In Me" was featured in The Big Lebowski I fell in love with this record. It has a certain mood to it that is irresistible. 
Unofficial (Bootleg) LPs
@whart Nicely stated whart.  My main frustration is buying a release that looks 100% official from a reputable dealer, only to discover that it is a counterfeit.  It's pretty easy to spot bootlegs, as they are usually live recordings, most of whic...