
Responses from smrex13

Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?
I wish I could give you further input, but I haven't heard the M30s, only the C7s.  Yogiboy makes a good point - you could compare them side by side, and then keep the one you prefer.  A bigger investment up front, but Harbeths sell very quickly u... 
Upgrading to an external Phonostages for my system
I agree with adding an external phono stage to your set-up.  The HK is a good integrated.  However, with rare exception (like the Croft Phono Integrated) the phono stages in 2K integrated amps simply don't compare to a good external phono pre.  I ... 
A2 and Boxer
I have been interested in the Boxer for a while.  Could you perhaps elaborate on why you prefer it to the Monitor Audio speakers?  Thanks, and enjoy that nice setup!Scott 
Just moved to an apartment need speaker suggestions
Harbeth P3esrs.  Very pleasant sound - nice bass for a smaller room.  Won't bother your neighbors.   
Power conditioning from the ground up
I live in an apartment so I can't do any major rewiring, However, the simple upgrade to a Maestro outlet brought out greater detail and clarity.  Each step makes a difference. 
Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?
Tony,Let us know how it sound when you get it all hooked up - I think you'll be amazed, especially when paired with such a great amp. 
Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?
Yep, I think the line "For those who tell you that these little monitors do not deliver bass below a certain frequency I say stop listening to Hertz and start listening to music" says it all.I bet they sound fantastic with the Quicksilver amps.  I... 
Harbeth P3ESR or Monitor 30?
Agree with Yogiboy on this one .  Having owned both the P3s and the C7s, I found the P3s to be clearer and more open sounding.  The C7s, were a bit muddier though the midrange due to the port and the box resonance.   Both are beautiful speakers, b... 
question about ss or tubes
I just had an opportunity to demo a (well broken in) Sutherland 20/20 that a friend loaned me while I was waiting for a Manley Chinook to arrive.  The 20/20 was a nice step up from several phono stages around the 1k mark (Heed Quasar, Sutherland P... 
Is the word 'Integrated' that hard to spell?
We also shouldn't forget that for many people English is a second (or subsequent) language and the many homophones make it very difficult to learn.  How can you explain to someone who is learning English that "I bow to your presence" and "Eye boug... 
Is the word 'Integrated' that hard to spell?
The ’defiantly’ issue is because people often misspell ’definitely’ as ’definately’ and the autocorrect changes it to ’defiantly’. And I can’t count the number of times I have seen things like "YOUR right. THERE products are TO good." Sigh. We all... 
Ryan Speakers
Heard them at Echo Audio in Portland, and I came away very impressed.  They can certainly compare to more expensive speakers.  If I didn't already have a pair of Harbeths that I love, I'd would have bought the Ryans on the spot. 
Greatest Rock Guitar Riffs
Neil Young: Like a HurricaneThin Lizzy: The Boys are Back in Town 
Fritz Carbon 7 se vs Golden year Triton 5
I had the Triton 7 for a while, and it put out an enormous amount of bass.  I see that the Triton 5 goes even deeper.  Unless you have a large listening space with proper acoustic treatments, the Triton 5 will overload the room.  I absolutely love... 
How quiet is your Rogue Sphinx?
Thanks for following up on the thread. I was wondering how it turned out. I, too, gave up on the Sphinx in pretty short order for the same reason. Hope you find something that you enjoy.