
Responses from smrex13

Wharfedale - Reva/Diamond
I have the Reva 2, and I really enjoy it.  I tend to like a very smooth, non-fatiguing sound, even at the expense of some detail.  As I read reviews, it seemed that Wharfedale's entry-level bookshelf speakers (Diamond 225, Reva 2, and the Denton) ... 
Rega Brio or...?
Just thought I'd update you all on my experience with the Rega Brio.  I'm running it with Wharfedale Reva 2 speakers, a VPI Traveler turntable and a Marantz SA 8004 SACD player.  The Brio has been very impressive - it just pulls you in to the musi... 
Rega Brio or...?
It's still sounding great - will give a more thorough review in a week or two.  Just a couple of operational/functional notes that prospective buyers may want to be aware of:1.  The speaker terminals on the back of the amp are very difficult to ge... 
Rega Brio or...?
@reubent - Thanks.  I've wondered how the Elicit-R and Elex-R sound.  A couple of reviews called them 'bright' and suggested pairing them carefully with speakers.  However, another review suggested the Elicit-R was warm.  My guess is they are tran... 
Rega Brio or...?
So, curiosity got the best of me, and I ordered a Brio.  I have had it for a couple of days, and I have to say I'm very impressed.  It's got an engaging sound that really doesn't do anything wrong.  Perhaps the best thing that I can say about it i... 
good integrated amps that don't include a phono section or a DAC
I don't think you need to look for something that absolutely doesn't have a phono or DAC.  Sound quality should be your main concern.  Here are a few integrated amps that come to mind around the 1k price point new with wattage and some comments (i... 
Rega Brio or...?
Keep us posted.  Would love to hear your impressions of the Brio if you decide to go with it. 
KEF LS50 Wireless -- wow!!!
I'm tempted by the LS50w for a second system.  However, I'm hesitating because of the internal DAC.  It seems like the KEF wouldn't be appropriate for anyone who already has an DAC that they really like, who listens to DSD/SACD, who uses MQA, or w... 
Rega Brio or...?
By the way, I have heard the Arcam A19 and thought it was a very refined sound for its price.  You might also look at Marantz and Yamaha in the $1000 and under range for integrated amps with a phono stage.  I know they're not British, but they hav... 
Rega Brio or...?
There are only 6 reviews, but four have significant complaints. Three complain of hum issues and one had a noisy volume control.  I'd make sure that you buy it from a place that has a liberal return policy just to be safe.  No one complains about ... 
Rega Brio or...?
Just a word of caution - take a look at the Amazon reviews of the Rega Brio.  There are several comments about hum/buzz issues.  There's also a recent post here about the same thing.  The previous version, the Brio-R, also seemed to have some nois... 
should I go with the rega brio or schiit vidar
The Vidar is 100 wpc into 8 ohms and 200 wpc into 4 ohms.  The Rega is 50 wpc into 8 ohms and 73 wpc into 4.  The additional power of the Vidar will probably be welcome with the Ryans and their somewhat lower sensitivity. 
Harbeth P3 vs KEF LS50W
I wish the LS50 wireless would work for me.  But since I listen primarily to analog, the last thing I want to do is pass the phono signal through a DAC.  It's too bad there isn't an analog pass through or something like that to allow you to skip t... 
The latest and greatest
I also think that the LS50s need high end gear to sound their best.  I bought them over to a friend's house, and we hooked them up to his his VPI>Pass Labs>ARC chain, and they sounded amazing.  It was hard to believe that they only cost $100... 
Yogiboy has a great recommendation with the Spendors.  As he (and I) will tell you, the Harbeth P3s are a step up from the Spendors.  However, they are both fantastic monitors, and the difference may be nothing more than personal preference.  The ...