
Responses from smrex13

can someone answer me this.....
A reviewer found the same characteristics you did with the ET3se: had a different CJ pre paired with different McCormack amp for a little while... 
Would like advice on upgrading entry level system
The most important thing is to get an amp that can drive your speakers. Based on my experience with the LS50s, they sound best with some power behind them.  I would suggest a class A/B amp with 150+ wpc into 8 ohms.  At the price that you're looki... 
Synergistic orange fuses
Try reversing them.  There is a noticeable difference depending on which way they are installed.  No, I'm not kidding.... 
Which phono section to buy: match table or cartridge?
There are a lot of good MM phono stages in the $1000 and under range. A few that I have tried and really liked:-Croft RIAA ($995) - uses two 12ax7 tubes, MM only-Lejonklou Gaio 2 ($895) - solid state, but on the smooth side of things, MM only-Musi... 
Harbeth Compact 7's on the way: Amp suggestions?
I had the Compact 7s for a while in a vinyl-only system.  My experience was that a good solid state amp with 100+ watts made them sound best.  I believe that Alan Shaw makes similar claims on the Harbeth forums.  In any event, a Bryston integrated... 
Considering simplifying my system... talk me down (or whatever)
I don't know what your finances permit, but you might just try something in home for a while before you sell any of your current gear.  Several online dealers have 30-day return policies, and you can always buy a used component and then resell it ... 
Croft and LFD comparison with Harbeths
I have had both in my system over the years (with the Harbeth C7es3, and I think that the LFD was better.  However, they were both phenomenal.  I think the convenience of the LFD without any tubes to worry about is another point in its favor.  LFD... 
Phono stage with 3 inputs
Musical Fidelity M6 Vinyl and Nu Vista both have 3 inputs, I believe. 
Basic integrated amp for $700-$900
The Yamaha A-S801 (or A-S701 since you have an external DAC) has good, clean power and 100wpc.  I like Musical Fidelity as a brand, but I haven't heard the M2si.  I did like the M3i and the M6si quite a bit.  I'd suggest buying from one of the onl... 
Coincident Technology Dynamo 34SE MKIII
@tswisla  Wow, didn't know they had the special option!  I stand corrected. 
Coincident Technology Dynamo 34SE MKIII
@tswisla It doesn't use 300b tubes.  I think you have it confused with another amp. 
Stylus not tracking and sounds terrible
Is there any chance that someone (significant other, roommate, friend, contractor, dog, cat, etc.) might have damaged the cartridge?  If the tonearm has been knocked off its rest while someone was cleaning, partying, trying to play a record, etc.,... 
SPL Phonos Phono Preamp
How do you replace the fuses?  I can open the door on the back of the unit, but there's a large red box that doesn't seem to budge.  The instructions on the back simply say to remove the fuse holder.  Do you have to take the unit's casing apart to... 
Amp for Harbeth P3ESR and Cambridge Audio Azur 851N
For those speakers, I would suggest a SS integrated amp with high power.  Without knowing your budget I can't make any specific recommendations. 
Anticable Cables: what do you like about them thread?
I love their Level 3 power cable - they have worked well in every application in my system.