
Responses from sls883

Pop album that has stood the test of time
Tracy Chapman is another one.    
Pop album that has stood the test of time
@slaw I was just getting ready to mention Suzanne Vega - Solitude Standing.  I've been playing it all morning.   
Should I use Audiopoints under Aerial 10T spikes on hardwood floor?
My speakers sit on carpet over concrete.  I'm using the spikes provided by Von Schweikert and I bought some two-piece "discs" that are machined to have small carbon ball bearings between the discs (reducing the contact area).  The spikes sit on th... 
Innuos Zen MK3 tips and tricks
The Innuos has a large buffer. I used to have trouble because my internet tends to drop at times. You can literally unhook the ethernet cable during playback and it keeps playing.  I need to do more listening with the two buffer settings. I'm bre... 
Innuos Zen MK3 tips and tricks
@bassbuyer When you get your streamer, you should listen to both latency settings.  I think I actually prefer the normal setting in my system.   
Innuos Zen MK3 tips and tricks
Half price is good! Congrats.   
Whats playing on your system today?
RPWL - Crime Scene.   
LAIV Harmony
@audiostick I thought the Innuos Next Gen would have i2s, but the Zen Next-Gen only has USB. I’m using a DDC with my Zen Mk3.  
Innuos Zen MK3 tips and tricks
@chemarcelo Gotta give credit to @jayrossi13. The latency setting idea that was posted in the Innuos forum was posted by a co-founder of Innuos, so it's pretty credible. Carolin No is awesome.  You might also like Angus and Julia Stone.  I'm als... 
Current quality of Rune
Canceled my Rune, I mean Roon, free trial. I really like the program, but I don't think I could get it to sound as good as my Innuos streamer and Sense software  I did see that my Innuos streamer has an experimental mode that would use Roon softw... 
An audio component you just can't let go
I still have my Adcom GFA555 amp that I bought new many years ago. I'm actually using it in bridged mono to drive my center channel speaker.  Also has some B&W DM302 bookshelf speakers that I wouldn't sell. They are sitting in their original b... 
Innuos Zen MK3 tips and tricks
@jayrossi13 Thanks for the tip. I’m running in low latency and no issues, so far. I could swear there is a bit more clarity now. I’m listening to Carolin No - Carolin No and I seem to be hearing more detail. Maybe it’s the coffee. If you haven’t ... 
Tune of the Day
Riverside - River Down Below   
Current quality of Rune
@pinball101 Gustard X-30. I'm very happy with the performance of the dac.  I upgraded from a Gustard R-26 dac.   
Innuos Zen MK3 tips and tricks
I have the same streamer.  Setup was very simple. I don't recall anything special, but my memory sucks and that was months ago.  You can set the ripper to automatically rip a CD when it's inserted, or do it manually.  I let it do it automatically...