

Responses from sleepwalker65

CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
@lalitk Your shortsightedness and ignorance is clearly evident when you say, ..... BTW.... until you do you would never know or understand how far digital streaming has come. I may be impatient, but not shortsighted. I’ve been watching for somethi... 
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
@kalaliA $5,000 vinyl rig will sound better than a $500 CD player. Try a $5,000 CD player and report back. Wow, now that’s a good example of fact-based thinking 🤔 NOT! As in “he said he paid 50% more than I did for exactly the same thing”, so one ... 
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
@dill Do we really need another thread like this?There are 2 sides to everything. Just like an LP record. Oh well, there’s another thing that Vinyl does better. :-) 
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
@bsmg   There are bad records and bad CD's,Yes, there are bad records, but it’s not the medium that’s bad, it’s the production.  
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
@mikelavigne OTOH maybe you need to find yourself better digital playback if you are open minded enough to consider it?You raise a good point, but digital has a long way to go before it can fully integrate into traditional systems with both a reco... 
Going back to basics
Hehehe .....   and I thought going back to basics meant a good pair of speakers, stereo intergrated amp and turntable. You say “tomato”, I say “potato”.... 
Where is great audio going? - Headphones and Mid-Cost
Whoa!, rpt Whoa! Geoffy, cut me some slack Jack! Last time I checked the headphones you use with your ‘80’s Walkman / Discman still have transducers in them, which aren’t immune rpt aren’t immune, to the evils of distortion. Same goes for your hea... 
Help! Power question
I’m usually a lot more easy going when it comes to people who are making technically inaccurate statements. No personal malice, just trying to send a clear message about the risks of untrained people handling electrcity. When it comes to electrici... 
Budget phono stage under $100, cheap but refined, does it exist?
Upgrading the NAD PP2 with a good, regulated power supply and discrete op-amp will put you in a good place. The PP2 (cost about $100 used on fleabay) can be run stock until you raise the funds for the upgrades. You can probably do similar upgrades... 
Help! Power question
@pcc67 it is clear that you are pretending to know much more about electricity than you really do. Please, before you get yourself or someone else hurt due to misinformation, stop promulgating this nonsense. The “phasing” issues you are yammering ... 
Budget phono stage under $100, cheap but refined, does it exist?
Ummm, one of you is lying. How can the actual experience of one person be wrong?  
Whats your take on a NAD 3020, I truly believe it defined stereo and still does!
I’m happy to say that I use a 3020i and a 3225pe in a bi-amp setup and love them. The 3225pe drives the woofers in my Energy Connoisseur speakers and the 3220i drives the mid/high. They are basically the same architectural design, but the pe has a... 
What are "true" balanced connectors
@erik_squires Balanced signals used to be transmitted by transformer outputs and inputs which were galvanically isolated. Best,EGalvanic isolation isn’t a requirement for a balanced circuit. The transformer output, unless it is center tapped, is o... 
What are "true" balanced connectors
@erik_squires  Each signal is actually referrenced to ground,Not universally true. I should have said referenced to -signal- ground. That is the balance point that both signals share in common.  
What are "true" balanced connectors
Each signal is actually referrenced to ground, but the differential receiver only uses the two signal bearing wires to convert the differential signal back to single ended for further handling.