

Responses from sleepwalker65

3 things I learned from using MANY interconnect cables
Food for thought: standard interconnect cables aren’t really shielded. Gotta wonder why signal ground had been taken for granted as not needing a shield (chassis ground). There is a better way. Shielded twisted pair cables with the shield being ch... 
I prefer kegling to cogging.  
Anyone use a cartridge demagnetizer?
Demagnetize your cartridge? Why? There’s no reason how it could ever become altered by playing records. What pray tell do you want to happen to the permanent magnets in the cartridge? Yup, I thought so. Just another fool’s errand.  
Dumb lo-fi question.
Bi-wiring is a waste of effort on a receiver of this sort. If you did  bi-wire the speakers, you would only use one speaker output (A or B) and not both.  
Amp - preamp or integrated
First thing is keep in mind that there are integrated amps that are designed as separate amp and preamp within one cabinet. If you go with an integrated amp, put that high on your list. I’ve leveraged that with my two NAD integrated amps wired to ... 
Audio Additives Stylus Force Gauge inconstantcy
Just switch to the good old reliable Shure SFG-2. Never goes out of calibration.  
Grace F14 MONO cartridges and styli
But in a MM cartridge the body is 5% of the cost. Seems to me they could just wire both channels to the horizontal and call it a day.  
Flexible power cord for Ayre Codex
That would do the job. The only improvement I’d suggest is the same cable with a grounded shield.  
CD Got Absolutely Crushed By Vinyl
@krell_fanVinyl will always sound better than red book simply because it is pure analog without conversion from analog to digital and back.  
Best LPs to Test Turntables
I prefer round LPs to test a turntable with. 😂 😆 🤣  
Flexible power cord for Ayre Codex
As a rule of thumb, go with the lightest gauge power cable for DACs, CD players, tuners, etc.  The noise rejection in the power supplies benefits from it.  
Top Ten "Reasons I Don't Like This Component"
@tuberist, how did -you- start to sound artificial? 
I’m gob smacked. What were you’re aha moments?
Lights dimming are due to poor splice techniques upstream. Builders usually use the backstab wiring terminals on receptacles and switches, which causes a poor connection with high resistance compared to a proper pigtail splice. This is something y... 
Flexible power cord for Ayre Codex
The Codex has negligible power requirements. Any 18AWG cord will be more than sufficient, and not present any undue strain on the Codex chassis.  
Top Ten "Reasons I Don't Like This Component"
After sound quality, the first make/break for me is ergonomics and fit/finish. That speaks volumes about how much the manufacturer thought about the end-user impression and experience. Manufacturers who place form over function don’t stand a chanc...