
Responses from sit

replacing springs on a SOTA
I have had 3 SOTA's with no problem with the springs. Had the springs replaced once on my first unit at unit age of 20+ years and agree with Gregadd that it was worth it. If you purchase the kit from SOTA it comes with installation instructions. S... 
What cartridge to use....Rega RB25 Structural Mod
Whoh! Are you folks getting a little out of control? An Origin Live modified RB300 with Cardas wiring is hard to beat for the price. It beats performance on a lot of arms costing up to 3 times more if one has the correct set up with matching cart.... 
EQ's... why doesnt everybody have one?
I would not be without an equalizer because I value quality sound reproduction. I do not use it more than half of the time. Got to be honest though, some of the Redbook CD's are unlistenable w/o the equalization. Likewise with some of the vintage ... 
What cartridge to use....Rega RB25 Structural Mod
Look into one of the OriginLive arms and then later a Shelter 901 cart. This would be fabulous combo. You'll at least find interesting and informative reading if you do nothing else. 
Newbie..TT question
OOOPS! It's HERBIE'S Turntable Matte, not Harvey's. This matte will make a real difference on the MMF5. 
How to convert lps to CD?
I purchased a Tascam CC-222MXII and love it. Makes terrific CD's from whatever source you wish, including lps. Good quality at a fair price. My lps now travel with me via CD and the compilations of music I record have become the major gift friends... 
Newbie..TT question
I assume it came with the std. Goldring cart. I owned an MMF5 and liked it a lot. The felt matte is not good atop the glass. GET A HARVEY'S TURNTABLE MATTE and set the felt matte aside. It will notably help correct the brightness. Does not cost a ... 
Turntable in $2500-3500 range for SME IV.Vi arm ?
Owe it to yourself to look into the SOTA Nova vacuum table. Make certain that you balance the cart with the table and the arm and whatever phono stage you're using. I truly do not believe SOTA can be topped for performance at this price point for ... 
Always on ?
RobertDThanks for the professional input. I have begun doing as you suggested.John 
What to make of my system?
Your cart/arm setup does not do the Sota justice as the Sota is already warm. Your preamp is very good but also "warms" the sound, which compliments digital quite nicely. I believe you will likely compliment the Sota better with cart such as Shelt... 
Audio Debt?
It's an investment. Not necessarily for resale. But an investment in enjoyment. I love music. I truly enjoy hearing it played back accurately. It's cost prohibitive paying talented musicians to perform for me at my home any time of day I desire. H... 
difference between P300/P500 and UPC/UO
I can simply tell you that my p500s are dead quiet on my system which is saying something given my amp and preamp are solidstate Yamaha MX1000U + CX1000U from 1979 (not even a change of caps has been done on these units) with 3 sets of the large, ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Steve Hackett - Spectral Mornings + Please Don't Touch 
New David Gilmour record:any feedback?
Jaybo-Your comment is really funny. Really. Thanks. 
PS Audio P500 Yes? -No?
I have had my P500 for about 2+ months now and can honestly say that it MAKES A VERY REAL DIFFERENCE IN THE QUALITY OF WHAT I AM HEARING ON MY SYSTEM. I am thinking of getting a second unit to fully cover my front end gear. Wonderful investment fo...