
Responses from singleendedsingle

Pre amp noise
How good is the power in your area? are you using some sort of power conditioner? 
All in one brand, please help
Teac, seconded. 
Hifi Tuning Fuses
I used a hifi tuning fuse on my headphone amp, and the difference is not huge. But one can notice the improvements over the stock one. 
I think the fees depends on the country where you live. 
Why does most new music suck?
Acman3, that's really a good find. A nice young talented singer. She deserves more attention 
Hi. I am looking for small adjustable stands
You can find dirt cheap stands on ebay :) 
Speaker rebuild
Get in touch with the folks at orange county speaker repair, they service Technics speakers. 
It's time for a new button on Audiogon
Being firm with a price, means that you stand your ground. If people offer a lower price than asked, let them walk away. Another user will come eventually. 
All in One DAC/Pre/headphone amp vs Separates
Op, what kind of headphones you own? are you looking for certain sound signature? 
wyred 4 sound dac 2 or ps audio nu wave dac
If you plan to use headphones, the asus headphone out quality is not very good, and its very picky. Add to your list the Burson Conductor, its a 3 on 1 unit aimed for desktop audiophiles. Great dac, and beefy headphone amp. 
strange microphonic sound after amp is turned off
If your amp is sounding perfectly you don't have to worry about it. Amps have components which store energy, that energy takes a few seconds to bleed off. 
Best Rock Song Of ALL TIME?
@Truemaineiac, Steve tyler sounds very different on this song, but still great lyrics and rhythm. 
Songs With Best Ending
Life's been good by the Eagles. 
What reviews do you trust if any?
Steve Rochlin from enjoy the music. Well written reviews, and a nice guy as well. 
Why Build Quality Matters
Build quality matters, because you can pass it down to your kids or even grandsons. As for the JOB 225, it looks like a solid brick. :)