
Responses from singleendedsingle

Audio software vinyl to c/d
The Spin it again software ($35) is one of the best i know to date. It comes with a lot of features, and also helps optimize your recordings to remove pops and clicks. 
IMO the two best tracks to demo or test any system
I've used Led zeppelin a couple of times, not bad. 
Music websites
Here's another list...some of the websites are being updated constantly: 
Please help me which music is that?
Stefanovitch, it is better to upload the files to a free service where no download is required. I doubt anyone want to donwload unknown stuff to their Pc. 
Best 2 channel CD/SACD player $2000 used?
I dont know if you guys realize that this is an old thread :D 
Benchmark DAC 2 in standby mode
Blinking means an error of some kind from what i know. I've used a few benchmark units and they go on standby mode in a few minutes. 
VTL Compact 80 Question
The VTL Compact 100 have 137k ohm impedance, it should be around that.
Some additional feedback of their work can be found here: up for Yves. 
Wilson Alexia vs Raidho D3
OP, it will depend on your associated gear and music preference. From what i've heard the Raidho excels with vocals and the Wilson is very flexible with different music genres...both are known to be solid speakers but your ears must decide. 
Marantz PM-11 S3 - thoughts?
Not personally, but Paul from The absolute sounds made a thorough review about it. 
Head Amp For Naim Uniticute2 Help Appreciated
Hi Norskman,Naim recommends a dedicated headphone amp because the headphone section was a simple add-on probably (i can't find the specs about it)Which headphone models you have? For around your price range, i can easily recommend the Solid state ... 
Best Soundcards for PC or MAC
Besides asus, there's the HT omega claro halo. 
Re HTC One Android Emphasis on Audio
I've used poweramp (Flac player for android) a couple of times, the quality is pretty good. Specially when you use an external amp/dac. 
Basic Foobar Question
Simply import all of your music collection and the file tags should be the same. 
Memories........What made you catch the Audio Bug?
@Sonicbeauty, nice thread going it deserves a BUMP. I started on the early 90's with portable audio, and some vintage headphones. I wanted to get the most of them, and my pursuit to the perfect sound began..