

Responses from simonmoon

Whats playing on your system today?
Setna - Guérison (2013) CD French band doing top quality, Magma influenced music, that straddles the line between prog and fusion. World class chops by all members.  
Who has the Sickness, the Phile or the Non-phile?
@tonydennison An Audiophile is a lover of Audio. The music they use is to facilitate the search for perfect sound. A lover of music is a Melomaniac. So, if you love music but audio purity is neither your passion nor goal, then you are not an A... 
The mistake armchair speaker snobs make too often
I never quite could figure out the knock against speaker manufacturers that use off the shelf drivers? Driver manufacturers such as: Scan-Speak, SB Acoustics, RAAL, Accuton, Purifi Audio, SEAS, Fontec, etc, etc, have done all the R&D, have al... 
Crossing Left and Right Speakers
I am a bit dumbfounded by some people’s experiences. I recently reorganized my system on my rack, and I accidentally connected my mono amps to the wrong channels of my pre. And all that happened, was I heard orchestral violins come from the righ... 
Jazz for aficionados
@alexatpos I would say that lots of my jazz records that I bought first were from 70’s jazz, music that somewhat sounded (to me anyway at the time) like ’rock’ music of that era. As I have continued to listen jazz, I started more and more to ap... 
Headphones vs speakers….
Despite having, and enjoying my pretty high end headphone and amp system (Grado GS3000, Astell and Kern amp, about $3500 combined), they will never, to me, sound as good as my full system. They lack the visceral impact of my full system, which is... 
Klipsch RP-600M II
@lanx0003  Relatively speaking, RP 600M Mk I has certain limitations despite of rave reviews from HR. The high ends are bright, edgy and forward and the bass is a bit bloated. The unbalanced, overly presence of highs and lows covers up the midra... 
The best looking speakers
I am purely in the "form should follow function" camp of audio design. This usually leads me to love the looks of quite a few speakers that many find not so aesthetically pleasing. AvantGarde Acoustics, Tidal, Aries Cerat, Acapella, and others. ... 
So you just took a gummie...What song is on the menu?
I haven’t partaken in any cannabis for decades, but if I did take that gummy, it certainly wouldn’t be just one song on my menu. It lasts for hours, after all... So, I would have full buffet of songs lined up. Among my choices would be: Yes - ... 
List some of your favorite live Jazz recordings
Here’s mine. Mostly fusion and avant-garde. Don’t get me wrong, I love most of the post-bop recordings most of you are listing, too. I just didn’t want to be redundant listing them again. Mahavishnu Orchestra - Between Nothingness and Eternity ... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
@jtgofish I am tempted to build some myself .Like you I have a stash of premium hardwood-Birdseye and curly jarrah and Tasmanian Blackwood. Hardwoods are not recommended for speaker enclosures. Different hardwoods, depending on density and h... 
How tall do you like your images?
I like an image height that seems to reflect what I would expect the performance height to be. For a couple examples: On the title track of King Crimson's "Islands", there is a cornet that begins a couple of minutes into the track, that on my sy... 
Anybody have personal experience with a Troles Graveson Subs?
Not familiar with Troels subs, but have heard several of his designs, and they have always been impressive. I have heard GR Research’s open baffle subs, and they are among the best I’ve heard. As much as I love my enclosed subs, there is nothing ... 
How does this forum feel about original house music and live DJing?
That stuff has some limited appeal to me for dance and party music. But when I want to sit down for serious listening session, I want to hear music with more musical depth, a very high level of musicianship, a somewhat high level of musical compl... 
The Snob Appeal Premium
I have been reading through the Troels Gravesen kit speaker builder project pages. Many of the people who have built those speakers also own very good "brand" models like B&W 802D and ATC SCM 40 speakers and are reporting that the $2500 kit ...