

Discussions simao has started

What player to stream Amazon HD with?1771239
Another Music Direct Catalog observation515142
replacing tonearm question?283924
Hegel or Pathos?659612
Using Oppo 105 as transport33434
Chord Qute Ex an improvement to my Oppo 105's DAC?14671
Odyssey integrated opinions?362111
LFD LE phono stage questions32812
Benz Micro Ace SH - retip worth it?26756
VTA for Sumiko tonearm?16867
Question about background noise188217
Smartphone audio sadness114210
A well-produced and recorded classical guitar LP?11929
A Tidal/Deezer Streamer to augment Oppo 105?29169
Bluetooth/USB/3.5mm connected integrated under $500?14651