

Responses from signaforce

Rega P10 with Apheta 3
Thank you all for your recommendations… especially those with advice on handling “the boss”. 😏 While it is a great deal on a great TT, I am going to pass on the Rega.  The most important reason is I didn’t realize the power supply could not be h... 
Rega P10 with Apheta 3
@tablejockey  LOL. Question: what do you mean by: “don't want the fuss necessary with next level TT.”?  
Rega P10 with Apheta 3
So I guess the question is, is this where I want to spend what limited wifey capital I have left… for a while… 😏  
Rega P10 with Apheta 3
I love playing vinyl. It is my primary source. I CAN certainly afford it. But don’t have a kitchen pass, if you know what I mean.  All my system, except the TT have been purchased in the last 16 months. Plus all the power cables, interconnects, ne... 
The time has come and I request advice...
+1 Airender. Great build, form factor, sound, integrates perfectly with Qobuz and love Conductor app on a tablet.   
Better cd SQ
One more thing… while others may disagree, and every component choice is important, IMHO I believe your DAC choice will have the largest impact on sound of any digital component. Similar to your cartridge on the vinyl side or speakers on your over... 
Better cd SQ
i too am a vinyl guy. My listening priorities are Vinyl, Qobuz streaming, then CD’s. I have the Marantz CD6007. It is the weakest link in my system, but don’t care (CD’s being by far my lowest priority). The Marantz does sound SIGNIFICANTLY better... 
Stuff You Tried To Love
Also Pangea power cables, actually made my system sound worse.    I like Miles, Bach & Krall. Is my official audiophile card in the mail??  
Stuff You Tried To Love
@mahgister  Bach “art of the fugue”, I plan to give a listen, but there seems to be a multitude of recordings on Qobuz.  Do you have favorites? Kind of blue puts me to sleep also… but in a good way… relaxing & wonderful.  For me, anything S... 
The molecular level explanation of "cable burn-in"
Very witty post. Thanks   
New streamer needed
@stievus Yes, very happy with price… when I saw it on TMR as a trade in, jumped on it immediately. My CD player is a Marantz CD6007, attached via digital coax to my Chord Qutest, with the N150 attached via USB. Thanks.   
New streamer needed
BTW, I was the OP on one of the recent streamer posts. I ended up buying a lightly used N150 for $2K. Very happy with my decision… perfect form factor, great sound & love the conductor app, particularly through my iPad.  I also use Qobuz. I wo... 
New streamer needed
Entertaining exchange!  
Records and CDs
@rvpiano  +1 on the Blue Note label. My Herbie Hancock album that I used to AB vinyl to streaming was the Blue Note version. Great pressing.   
Records and CDs
@audioguy85  Great minds think alike. 😎