
Responses from sibelius

Classical music for newbie
I've mentioned this before a while ago but thought I'd do so again. I would strongly recommend classical music newbies go to the Naxos website and invest in a one year ($20) subscription to their on-line catalog. You will be able to listen to over... 
SUT shootout
Toufu:I got my Hashimoto SUT's (HM-3, HM-7) thru Choir Audio. He (John) also has a Cinemag version as well. 
Some of the best pre amps used for $600 or less
AES DJH (made by the folks at Cary) is currently available for $699 on Audiogon (No, It's not mine). While I have since "upgraded" to much more expensive preamps the AES DJH is a wonderfully musical tubed linestage at a very good value. 
What amp/pre-amp would you buy for $12-15k?
The preamps (all tube based) from Shindo are excellent. The Monbrison and Masseto are both in your price range. 
Magico Q5
Hi Weseixas:The answer is both. While audio is a wonderful hobby my true passion is going to live concerts - mostly symphony and chamber. Been doing this for about 25 years in both Chicago and San Francisco. This is my musical reference point. I w... 
Auditorium 23 SoloVox...
I agree with JohnK above. If you are looking for PHY based speakers you should make the effort to hear a model with the 12" drivers. 
Sophia 300B vs Jeff Korneff 45 Amp
A lot will depend on your personal tastes. I currently own 45,2A3,300B and GM70 SET amps and enjoy each with different types of music. There are times I really want the warm, liquid tone of a 300B. Likewise, for large orchestral recordings the GM7... 
Magico Q5
I was disappointed with the Magico speakers at the California Audio Show. They do a lot well (large soundstage,good dynamics) but I thought the basic tonality was off. It's suprising to me how so many uber $ speakers just can't accurately reflect ... 
Shindo Aurieges L versus Monbrisson
Agree with first poster. In my experience as you move up the Shindo preamp line the improvement is noticeable - much more than 10%. Given the price points of the varying units I sure hope that would be the case as well. 
Cowboy Junkies: Trinity Sessions on Vinyl
Don't forget their first album "Whites off earth now". If anything, I enjoy this album even more than Trinity Sessions. A great reinterpretation of many blues standards. 
best powercord for atma-sphere amps MA 1
I agree wit Tvad. You should not be looking at cabling or PC as tone controls to fix problems in your system. Most likely your fundamental issue is upstream. 
Tube amp, more low end
Agree with Rodman. Consider Biamping. I use a tube amp to drive my Coax with a pair of inexpensive SS 300W plate amps driving my bass drivers cut over at around 60z. I love tube amps but very few will provide the level of bass slam or control as S... 
Higher output SET or SE tube amp for Daedalus Spea
I'd recommend a larger powered (845 or GM-70) SET. I think a 300B would be a bit strained given your room size -especially with larger orchestral music. I have a 35W GM-70 from SAC Thailand that I have been very happy with. Check out their website... 
shindo pre-amp and power amp reliabilty
No problem at all with my Masseto. Equipment is built one at a time by true artisans with extremely high standards. This is the type of gear you put in your will. 
Phono Stage for Koetsu Black
To each his own I guess. I have used a modified EAR 834P with a Koetsu RSP and it was fine. Currently using the Koetsu with either Shindo Masseto's internal MC (Lundahl transformer) or thru separate Hashimoto SUT. I like these a bit better than th...