
Responses from shventus

P300 power plant and ultimate outlet routing
It depends on the power of your amp. If you have a high watt amp, that's all that you should plug into the UO (esp if it's a std. & not a HC). It would be better to either get a second UO for the front end, or get the new UPC-200 for the amp &... 
No posting from me for awhile
Albert,Have a safe & very enjoyable trip! Can I go along to caddy for you - help carry that heavy camera equipment? If not, how about my Christmas list? 1. 5'7", brunette (female),..........2. Case of French Bordeaux3. .......4. ......Best of ... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Gunbei,We flew out of Minden, NV (just south of Reno), and flew south to Tinnemaha Dam (around Bishop) and back. Most of the flight was between 15,000 & 18,000 feet from thermals (and oxygen). My 31,000 foot altitude (definitely with oxygen) w... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Gunbei,Yes, soaring is flying sailplanes (gliders), planes with no engines; riding updrafts called thermals, ridge lift, or wave for means of lift. I have soared to over 31,000 feet, stayed aloft for 7 1/2 hours, and flown a distance of 500 KM, al... 
What other obsessions do you have?
Gunbei,Too old for the X-prize - Ha! 
What other obsessions do you have?
Pets, Flying (PP VFR, IFR, sailplane), Soaring (Silver, Gold, Diamond Goal), Cycling (Merlin Extralight), Archery (Hoyt), Wine & Fine food, Pistol shooting, Carpentry, R/C Model AC building/flying. 
I need more cowbell....
Christopher Walken says: New speakers. 
Krell KPS-28c, Is it the best for my cast system?
The Krell KPS 28C is the best that I know of that is capable of connecting with Krell's CAST cabling. But, as far as CD/SACD, it seems that the best flavor of the month seems to be the Meitner gear (EMM's DAC6e with their new to be released CDSD).... 
Burn-in CD
How does the PAD compare to the disc from Ayre? 
Anyone heard the Krell FPB 700cx
Hi Nrchy,I have one, but I just connected it up & started burning in last week, so I really can't offer anything of value at this time. 
ACF50 or Corrosion X used to prevent corrosion on aircraft. I saw a TV dropped into a tank of ACF50, and receiving a great picture while in the tank - does not cause any harm & does not conduct electricity. There are reports of aircraft avioni... 
TV's... what does the typical audiophile have?
27" Sony XBR. 
Maggie's and cats
There is a product that allows you to place a perimeter around the speakers (or any other object), the cat(s) wear a special collar, and if they approach the speakers, they hear a tone that increase in pitch & frequency the closer they get, if... 
If you fumigate with Vikane, you are probably OK. But check with the fumigators. 
Thanks for all the responses,Since prevention would be ahead of the game (? better) would covering the components, or placing a Plexiglass "case" around the rack between listening sessions be better? My area isn't any more or less dusty than I'm s...