
Responses from shventus

Basis and table mats?
Dan_ed,AJ sent me one. It's called their Superbelt. I'm still in the process of getting my TT together, so haven't had a chance to A/B them yet. 
Basis and table mats?
Dan_ed,Have you tried AJ's new belt? 
What Patty Smith album to own?
I've followed Patti since I first saw her perform in Central Park NYC in 1975. I've got everyone of her LP's & CD's. She's amazing. Horses and Easter are all time favorites, but each LP is different, and good in their own right, from Horses, R... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Pat,Enjoy every moment to the fullest, and you will have no regrets. 
SACD's to stay away from
Any Chris Botti. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Lugnut,Thanks for the photo of you & your wife, she is a lovely lady - inside & out; you should be, and I'm sure are, very proud. All the best to both of you. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Thanks Jphii,Say Lugnut, are you a cyclist too? Nice T. And where is the Mrs.? What; a nice rose couldn't squeeze in between the thorns - Ha! Keep the rubber side down, and the tunes spinnin, and may the wind be always at your back. All the best, ... 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Patrick,Part dog aye? Then come to Hawaii, I'm a veterinarian. We have all the best products for those pesky fleas & ticks, as well as de-wormers and preventatives for those internal parasites too. And if none of the 8 tons of dry kibble &... 
Mahler 5
Thanks Paulg805,I couldn't find one listed, but I sent them an E-mail. Thanks. 
About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone
Paul and Patrick,I was so saddened to read this post. I send kind thoughts and sympathy to you and your family. I don't know you other than through the many posts, by you, that I have enjoyed reading. Please get better soon, so that we may all con... 
Target VW2 Wall Stand
Thanks Ken,I sent you an E-mail earlier this AM. 
To Loricraft users
Maybe try using a Nalgene bottle. 
Record Cleaner
See "Record-playing Rituals?" above.It is quite informative. 
Anyone using silicone oil for dampening??
Here's a link for silicone oil of various viscosities: 
Anyone using silicone oil for dampening??
Basis uses silicone in their TT. You might give A.J. a call to discuss.