
Responses from shooter41

An electrical engineer on how power cables can impact sound quality
I personally feel like the uber-expensive cables are pretty foolish and exist only for those with more money than sense, but if you like 'em and can afford 'em, knock yourself out. BUT, I do like to buy reasonably priced quality cables. Power and ... 
Ifi Zen Streamer plus upgraded power supply - the streamer to beat??
Decided to try the Zen Stream and received it today. Just using the included wall-wart, which is indeed a bit of a joke. Biggest disappointment is that, like the Bricasti M5, it also won't send audio to my Yggdrasil via USB. At this point it's obv... 
Ifi Zen Streamer plus upgraded power supply - the streamer to beat??
I may try the OP's combo once the Zen Stream is Roon ready. I know it apparently works with Roon now, but apparently Roon ready status is coming soon according to the ifi website. I just tried a Bricasti M5 streamer and it couldn't send audio to m... 
What a pile of Schiit
Their customer service is not that bad. They've answered every question I've ever had, including just the other day when I asked if they had any clue what could be causing an incompatibility issue between a streamer I'd bought and my Yggdrasil. Th... 
What a pile of Schiit
Indeed, I've read accounts of various Loki models being used in some pretty high-end systems and they only get raves. I too suspect the user above has something else going on that's causing the hum.  
What a pile of Schiit
There are a number of posters that are clearly talking out of their posterior here. I'm on my fourth Schiit product, a Yggdrasil "Less-Is-More" version. I've been extremely pleased with all of them. The Yggdrasil is, without a doubt, one of the be... 
Need help choosing a new DAC
Your willingness and desire to audition the candidates will serve you well. I would  add to the several who have spoken in favor of the Yggdrasil, and in particular I would recommend the new "less-is-more" variant. I predict it will eventually be ... 
Roon Streaming Service actually Degrades the sound
I think they already are addressing it. There is a beta that lifetime subscribers have been invited to try. Most of it is cosmetic or has to do with the UI, but one paragraph in the notes says this; We’ve made changes to Roon’s buffering and cach... 
Roon Streaming Service actually Degrades the sound
"I suppose its popularity has made it an easy target." I think you're spot-on with this. People love to bring down and bad-mouth popular products, trends, even other people.  
Roon Streaming Service actually Degrades the sound
I can't definitively state that Roon sounds equal to/better than all the alternatives mentioned here as I simply haven't tried them all, but I have A/B'ed Roon against Audirvana playing both standard res and hi-res files on a M1 Mac Mini and found... 
Do I need a subwoofer?
@soix I agreed with that one aspect of what you said, that's it. Please re-read and then let it go...  
Do I need a subwoofer?
I'm defensive? That's really not how this back and forth is coming across, my friend. You absolutely got your feelings hurt that I don't like SVS subs, no matter what you say. Why do you care so much? Just say "I don't agree with that particular o... 
Do I need a subwoofer?
@soix What do you call this post, "chief"? Really @shooter41? What’s your experience with sealed SVS subs? My experience with my SB2000 in a fairly high-end, 2-channel setup is pretty damn impressive and I’d think adding another would be even mor... 
Do I need a subwoofer?
@soix Dude, you asked. I had no idea I was advising audio royalty. 🙄  
Do I need a subwoofer?
Agreed, two subs are usually going to be better than one, even if that one is generally a more capable model, but with the rest of your system you really owe it to yourself to step up to a better pair.