

Responses from shadorne

Recommend a forward speaker
I agree with Peterb. Actually a forward presentation will tend to be 'brighter' in the upper mid range. It can sound harsh on some recordings but that is what real music sounds like. If you stand ten feet in front of a trumpet player at a live eve... 
Considering going Vinyl--Please talk me out of it
If you don't already have a huge collection of Vinyl music that you desperately want to hear again (all that older nostalgic stuff in the attic or basement) then you need to ask yourself why all of sudden do you now show interest?This is not somet... 
jitter reduction?
I don't doubt that a ribbon would likely make jitter distortion all the more audible. I am just surprised that a ribbon would be regarded as a reference source for listening for jitter distortion. Dome tweeters in general have much lower distortio... 
A/D input levels with 24-bit - need to max out?
What is your opinion about what happens with I dither down to 16? In theory this will increase the noise floor but I expect your data will already have such a high noise floor due to the analog source (as I eplained above there us no way it explo... 
Digital Playback Comparison
BTW - that you had issues with airport express is not surprising if you think about it ... a tiny little box with SMPS power supply sandwiched close to the rest of the circuitry. However it is the analog that stereophile took exception to and not ... 
Digital Playback Comparison
Just a note - some early Decca CD's made in the UK have CD rot/CD bronzing issues. This might explain something you observed.I have a Rossini Decca that bronzed so badly it no longer plays at all. I have several others that are still playable but ... 
Stereo Sanctuaries?
If the wife can no longer compete with a stereo for attention ore quality time then this really is very sad indeed. Who is to blame? The couple no doubt, but it sure ain't the stereo's fault! 
Transformer hum with AC fluctuations
APC S15 conditioner will address brown outs. 
jitter reduction?
Chris,The authors found experimentaly through listening tests that pure tones made it easier to detect jitter. They looked at all frequencies not just 20 Khz. The paper is a mix of mathematical modelling and lab measurments and lab listeting tests... 
Why are hi-end active monitors not more popular?
I am curious about ATC though. I wonder how much improvement there is. As with everything there is diminishing returns at the higher end, YMMV. The bigger active ATC's will certainly play louder and cleaner and that is for sure...the shock and aw... 
jitter reduction?
Dave's assertion that a "DSP preamp will mask or strip the music of its essence while adding noise" so as to make jitter inaudible in two channel music does not seem to be supported by the authors (they tested a lot of players and interfaces). To ... 
Harshness in Midrange??? Any Help
What is your room acoustics like?What listening level are you using? Is it only certain recordings?I very much doubt there is anything wrong with your system. Alan Parsons uses your speakers (Pink Floyd fame). The rest of you gear is pretty much a... 
Efficiency of speakers?
Transient response is best with highly controlled woofers. Big Magnets. Short coil long gap. So that woofer is always fully controlled by the amplifier (large linear operating range ). The combination of woofer and suspension should be critically ... 
jitter reduction?
Here is a paper on the subject:Eric Benjamin and Benjamin Gannon, "Theoretical and Audible Effects of Jitter on Digital Audio Quality", 105th AES Convention, San Francisco, September 1998. This paper concluded that the threshold of audibility of j... 
What is the optimal temperature/humidity for audio
When the environment gets cold and frosty around you, it is definitely optimal. Immerse yourself in music, as nothing improves the mood more than a great listening session. Forget the worries of the day and the constant stress from spouse, family ...