

Responses from shadorne

benchmark and apogee
Kijanki,That does not surprise me. It does sound pretty clean or neutral compared to many things that are quite clearly colored (often in a nice way but colored nevertheless) but that is just my impression - I made no tests like you have done. 
Rain-X as CD Enhancement Treatment
When dealing with $10k components and high end speakers, I would assert that one had better hear such influcences as a power cable change, disc treatment, etc. or else the designation "audiophile component" is questionable. The anecdotal evidence... 
benchmark and apogee
Kijanki,Cymbals are of all kinds so be careful reading to much into the sound. Sabian are made in eastern Canada - each one hand made and tuned by ear. It also depends how they are hit - closer to the edge or towards the bell - how large is the be... 
Rain-X as CD Enhancement Treatment
You consistently suggest to others that if there is a change to the sound through said treatments there is a "problem" with their gear Absolutely correct. You got it. When you have to resort to green markers and fancy cables to get the right soun... 
Directionality in digital = impedance mismatch
Red, You are welcome to the small pile of Monster cables I accumulated before I knew any better... That's not really fair, 20 some years ago they were the only game in town. Thank goodness that changed... Good point. Ordinary cables were cheap in... 
Help with a de-emphasis list?
Tom Petty "Southern Accents". Nice recording. Tom is quite the audiophile. His digital stuff often sounds like analog. Try Wildflowers - great dynamics.FWIW: Benchmark DAC1 handles pre-emphasis. Many players do - if they do not then they are NOT ... 
Rain-X as CD Enhancement Treatment
Touche...I don't consider anecdotal reports of CD sound improvement as a valid excuse to go treating my CD's with car wax or green markers, but you are being persistent ;-) 
Directionality in digital = impedance mismatch
You cable coax might be damaged (got bent severely?) - it seems you may have ground loop issues getting onto the coax and messing up the digital signals or the clock signal (jitter). Get a new coax it is cheap.I'd also check to makes sure all gear... 
benchmark and apogee
Any rigid driver of very light weight material is prone to "ringing". Think how a cymbal is made...a rigid disc of metal...touch a cymbal even lightly and it will ring for a long time at low levels but audible. In the case of a cymbal it vibrates ... 
Best Canadian Made Whiskey
Excessive Midrange Energy?
This is the design. A 16 inch driver will start to beam at 1 Khz. This will reduce the lower mid energy. Then as the horn takes over at 1500 Hz you will get some strong upper midrange energy. The horn will then roll off the highs - leaving the imp... 
Forward sounding speakers that Rock
YYZ,Interesting. What he says is very complimentary - in fact he claims that Thiel 3.7 approach "active speakers" in transient accuracy. That is quite an accomplishment with a three way with passive crossover. He says, I prefer Active speakers ge... 
Rain-X as CD Enhancement Treatment
Shadorne, surely you're not going to let a lousy buck or two for some soft car polish or Rain-X, or whatever, stop you from such a discovery? True the money would not stop me. However, you would be amazed at the effects of years of scientific con... 
Best sounding Krell ?
They put it in a nice chassis and made a monster profit. This is most likely your best selling Bel Canto - admit this.Yes and No. Much as I don't want to jump in and defend high priced items.The reality is that the packaging on most audio gear is... 
benchmark and apogee
I will think of notch filter at 9kHz. Most speakers with metal or ceramic drivers have notch filters built into the crossovers - the frequency, depth and width (Q) of the filter need to be chosen carefully though. You would probably need to be ab...