
Responses from sgreg1

Seller ants my credit card info
As the knights said in their search for the holy grail “run away run away”! 
Lack of Female Representation
Did you ever think that sgreg was being deliberately provocative to get the sensitive among us upset? Good on you if you were joking. If not then I think it may be time to revaluate your relationship. Just sayin!Guilty as charged. Always fun to po... 
Lack of Female Representation
Please don't encourage them into the hobby. My time listening to music is first the thorough enjoyment of the music and the very close second is not having to be in the room with my wife. My wife could not tell the difference between am radio and ... 
New ebay payments require SS#?
Beat the irs communists at their own game. Keep your receipts to prove you sold the item at a loss. If you owned the item for more than one year use the loss to offset a cap gain from investments or ira distribution. Irs hates people with document... 
Where are the young audiophiles?
Very simple answer $$$$$! The “hi-fi” industry has priced it self into this situation. Can I spend 100k on a system if I want yes! Can I justify spending more than I did on my first house for music no! On the flip side I have bought quality self p... 
Samsung flat screen TV’s
For me personally the only tv brand i buy is Sony or Panasonic. Have never had any issues either either one. My 15 year old Panasonic plasma still blows away the new lcd screens we have bought. IMO samsung is garbage. Had a washer and dryer from t... 
CD v Streamed
Is this not just a subset of the analog vs digital, vinyl vs streaming, tubes vs solid state, my $250,000 system vs your $20,000 system, and on and on. There is and always will be one thing that will sound better to one person than to 59 others. I... 
transistor pre with the sound of tubes
Toss in my vote for Schiit Freya +. Has three setting to choose from. Straight through, JFET buffer (not sure what this is technology wise), and a tube stage. Volume is a 128-step relay-switched stepped attenuator with remote. I have this and have... 
Insuring Your Vinyl Collection and Equipment
On a home owners policy if you want coverage above and beyond you have to add scheduled coverage. This is a rider that you would list your album’s on and pay an additional premium for the coverage. Your equipment is going to be covered under the s... 
True or False?
Question for some of the responses. Are your listening skills better in hearing the tweaks? Or is the delivery making the sound better and your listening skills are the same? Reason I ask is I have noticed this mostly in my car. I think the combin... 
Fedex Customs problem
The best work around for this is to find a local dealer and use them to ship. Dealer to dealer is not going to be over analyzed. Anything going to an individual will be questioned for circumventing import taxes and counterfeit items. Plus a dealer... 
If you can you might want to try the off axis set up. This is what is used by a lot of people at shows. Start in a corner of the room then place one speaker wide and the other more forward. There was a thread on this set up here but i do not have ... 
Do you care about car audio?
To all questioning the sounds different in my car. Here is an example. I am a big Soundgarden fan and like to turn it up when they come on the radio in my car. But when i play them at home on my reference system all the flaws in the production see... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Pete Townshend”secret policeman's ball”. Just found at an antique store in northern WI. Cleaned up and sounds great. Think i like his acoustic stuff better than the rest. 
Do you care about car audio?
I have a two hour daily drive to work so yes my system is important. When i bought my car i ordered the best factory system i could. Did i consider after market yes but feel the return on investment just is not there. Can apply the money else wher...