
Responses from sgreg1

Bin dug noisy records. Does it diminish your enjoyment?
Does it bother me? A little but it is soon replaced with the memories and time in my life it takes me back to. Music or individual songs for me at times can be a great escape from current life back to a time when I did not have a care in the world... 
Beginner looking for guidance into tube sound.
Look at the Shiit Freya + tube pre amp. Under a grand and will introduce you to the world of tubes. There are a lot of industry experts who will say the most impact tubes can make in a system is at the pre amp point. 
Springsteen and Clapton on their favorite, heh, band.
IMO Springsteen is one of the most over rated musicians on the planet. He surrounded himself with great talent to cover up his lack of talent. Did he put on a good show yes but that does not make up for his individual talent that IMO was just not ... 
Why don't more recordings have soundstage outside of speakers
IMO almost everything done by Pink Floyd was engineered with soundstage that is the benchmark. The Wall is a great example of the best drum sound production. They are followed up by the Doors on vinyl they not only achieved side to side sound but ... 
Heat can be an issue with electronics for manufacturers that cut corners on the quality of their components. The bigger issue is the heating cooling cycle. This will cause expansion and contraction that will damage components. I leave my gear on 2... 
At This Time Can We Recreate Full Range Live Music In The Home?
IMO it comes down to the recording as much as the system. The closest recording I have heard that sounds like the live performance was Dire Straits live in NY you tube video streamed from mac book pro into dac. For studio recordings IMO Pink Floyd... 
I had a few drinks and bought some speakers
Only audiophiles on a thread like this could have this much discussion that involves alcohol, women, and if size matters that is only about their listening room. Love the hobby and the music! 
My Last CD player
@ghdprentice Like that you agree and agree with all you added points. But i will decline to take the bait on vinyl being better. I will say yes and then as Sir knights said “run away run away”! 
My Last CD player
IMO the best approach is cd transport only to external dac. Gives  you the most flexibility for upgrades. When the tech changes you upgrade the dac and still maintain the current cd transport. You can even run a second dac just for cd’s. Say you w... 
Solid state amplifiers and sound stage, especially front to back "depth"
Love the talk about Sansui. I have a 7070 that was bought new in 1977. It has been running in my wife's business for the last 23 years. The only time it has been turned off is for a power outage. This receiver just keeps going. Don't want to remin... 
Amazon HD Lower Price
What @redwoodaudio said. Except i will go one further. I will not give bozo’es the clown one penny. I will pay 10 x the price for quobuz to keep them going. 
Do you enjoy your system?  If yes then the tone is good. Unless you are in the recording studio listening live you are getting the tone the producer wants you the hear. Don’t overthink it just enjoy the music 
Well, user error isn't over just yet *sigh*
REL imo is the king of subs. 
Apple Launching Lossless Music Subscription Service?
Any service that incorporates the technology to deliver a better product is great news. Now if we could only get the internet providers to up their game to keep up. In the US we are still 5 years behind the rest of the world on delivery. That is t... 
Does the Audio Industry Have a Quality Problem?
My bad past experience was with an SAE amp in the 90’s. First unit i received the balance and volume switches were reversed. Sent back on my dime for replacement. Then two tears out of warranty right channel out. Had local guy look at and fix. He ...