
Responses from sgordon1

Copper Sleeve over IEC
Great results placing small pieces of foam on top of sleevesand/or inside of sleeves.  I use something like headphone pads (covers).              A fit that is too snug (pinching wires inside a sleeve) can dull the sound.As Ron Hedrick of Marigo A... 
Sweethearts of the rodeo tour
You didn't record it, did you?How can I get a copy? 
My music sounds brighter
You removed your big sofa from the room, right? 
Looking for Teknasonic Vibration Absorber
You might consider AGORA Magic Hexa ( this purpose.  I like them on top of electronics as well.Fairly priced and effective. 
Theta Miles CD player
I love my Miles, too.  Although I have not had a majorproblem with it, I added a second Miles a few years ago.It is used in a "backup" system and is my assurancethat I hopefully will never be without one!  The latest unitis actually an earlier pro... 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
analoghugr, try substituting "listening" for "thinking"and report your results {how many people THINK, above (9:10 am)} 
Looking For 90% of the performane of the super expensive cables for much less money
kjl1065,So you are reading many posts saying, "I like this cable, and I willtell you why."How is this information helping you?  Will you auditionall 15+ suggestions?  Flip a coin?  Or will you "fall into"something and put it in your system?Why not... 
Kemp Electronics....has anyone try this?
So what is the point of your comments... can you try again,for everyone's benefit? 
Kemp Electronics....has anyone try this?
Aren't you following their example...using a lot of words and saying absolutely nothing? 
Synergistic Research HFT's
You might consider the new Wide Angle HFTs.These can be the foundation of improving the sound...use them first?The HFTs you have can be used to "fine tune" the room,and you may not want to use all of them.  Over time,I have removed many HFTs from ... 
New Tweak --- Its Fantastic
"Proof" and "belief" don't belong in the same sentence,at least in one that makes any sense.  Unless you defineyour terms.What does this have to do with advancing the enjoyment of recorded music? 
Wear glasses? Play cds? Own PEEPS?
If you hold a cd, label side up, around the outer edges,Peeps is easy to use.  Start from the inner circleof the disc, making contact at the inner edge.Pinch the tool so that the pads make contacton both sides.  Draw the Peeps towards the outer ed... 
Martin Logan Aerius I panel replacement
I have enjoyed the same pair of Prodigy speakers for 20+ years.I treat them as if I want them to last.When I think about my car, I am not wonderingif or when I should replace the engine; as long as it performssatisfactorily.Just curious: at what o... 
Acoustic Revive RR-77 Ultra low pulse generator
Rrochelle, you get the reward for trying something new!A lot of times I leave the treated cd in the player and listenagain the next morning.  With only a ten second investment,I would suggest treating every disc in advance of every new play.Do you... 
Ups and downs of audio
Instead of spending big money on components that come and go,why not focus on the smaller, less expensive (or "no cost")things you can do to get better sound?Keep what you have. Challenge yourself to improvethe way they sound!  This is how you wil...