
Responses from sgordon1

How good can it get, really? - my stereo sounds amazing!
Air ionizer?Schumann resonator?fo.Q tape?Shungite?Perfect Path Technologies and Synergistic Research products?Get curious.  Improving sound quality can mean buildingupon what you have already assembled.  There are many discussion threads that can ... 
Speakers or room
Change rooms, go to smaller, dedicated room for music,where you will have better control of more variables.Change furnishings, floor covering, wall treatment, in the large room.Secure meaningful compromise with wife, andchange speaker placement, m... 
First, Fix Your Skull
One good thing about getting a haircut (male) is thatrecorded music, and live music, will sound better to me,as a result.An old expression for "haircut" was "getting your ears lowered." 
Perfect Path Technologies confusion
Can anyone comment on the addition of the E-Matto the Gate (mounted in the breaker box)?  Where are you placing the mat?What are you hearing that is different than just listeningthe Gate alone?  Big difference? 
Damping Materials for Audio Equipments
Have you tried dense, thin cork sheets, to cut and place in tight spots?Home Depot for putty/clay material. 
Perfect Path Technologies confusion
Concise usage parameters are listener and system dependent.Where is your sense of adventure, your pioneering spirit?In the absence of "how NOT to use something, " you are on your own!Why is that a bad thing? 
Bloom air around instruments
Old Chinese saying: "If want to learn much, first read what hasalready been said."  (It also may help to define your terms, outside horticulture.) 
What do you say to your audiophile friends who say you just listen to your equipment more
If they are in the room, I would say,"Raise your left hand when you thinkI am listening to music, and your right whenit's the equipment."Then, ignore them.Or respond, telling them they were dead wrong. 
Do I need isolation footers for my components if I'm already using an isolation rack?
Here is an easy exercise, to answer your question.Gather household items: rubber doorstops, protective furniture leg discs, pencil erasers, pill bottles, wooden cubes, differentkinds of tape.Place them under and on top of: electronics, cables, end... 
Developing critical listening skills
Three ideas:When was the last time you had your ears professionally cleaned?Listening to music through headphones might help youdevelop critical listening skills.  By "taking the room out of it,"you can focus on "what you hear" more easily.  Lastl... 
High end car system
Have you experimented with placement ofSR HFTs and Bybee QSEs in your car?There are posts on applications of these units in cars.You may start, modestly, with one HFT on your windshield,a few inches under the base of your rear view mirror.I have a... 
Pass Labs XA30.8
Panerai557, have you considered trying the Wide Angleversion of HFT? 
(Jolida) Black Ice Audio Foz SS-X Sound Enhancement
Suggestions:Use quality power cord and interconnectsIsolate for vibration controlTo get the best sound, attention to detailwith SS-X is very critical.  The effort and associated costs will be worth it. 
What is wrong with a sub?
Be true to yourself.  If you like somehing, who cares what otherspost?  They don't have your ears, or access to your gear in yourlistening space.There are things you can do that influence what you hear...speaker positioning, for example.  Jolida F... 
Vibration Isolation
Yes, use a circular saw, carefully, to resist the "pulling"of the rubber.  Use tongs, or a vise, to save your fingers.The results?  Spectacular.  Now you'll have to re-evaluate:in any given application, which sounds better, a halfsquare or a whole...