

Responses from sfseay

Class D is just Dandy!
@bluesy41 - since you haven’t heard all Class D amps I wonder how you can make a blanket statement. If your $12K Class D amp was the Esoteric I-03 and you didn’t think it was musical then I wonder what “musical” is? I own the Esoteric I-03 and the... 
Anyone tried a Mark Levinson 585 integrated amp with Focal Sopra No. 1s or Sopra No. 2s
The new to me Mark Levinson 585 Integrated Amplifier arrived today triple boxed and in great condition. On first listen it sounds wonderful! To be honest when I first started listening it sounded similar to the Esoteric I-03, which is a Class D de... 
Anyone tried a Mark Levinson 585 integrated amp with Focal Sopra No. 1s or Sopra No. 2s
@uberwaltz - I made an offer on the Esoteric and had also made an offer on the 585 the previous day, which I was sure would be declined. It wasn’t so now I have to make a decision regarding which one to keep. Can’t afford to keep both!Also, I have... 
New Sony HAP-Z1ES Firmware Out Today
@highstandards - need to have DSD/DOP set I think, but I don’t remember what else.  I will look tomorrow.  Has been working without a hitch for two years. 
PS Audio CD Memory Transport?? Yes Or NO
I too own the Directstream Memory player and also the Directstream DAC.  All I can say is sell a kidney and get the combination.  PM me to see how you can get both units at a very good discount 
Class D is just Dandy!
@uberwaltz - I would have liked to tone down the midrange a little from what RoomPerfect picked, but you can’t make manual adjustments unlike the Classe. It just didn’t work for me in my room. 
Timbernation Platform Problems
@d2girls - shipping is included in their pricing 
Class D is just Dandy!
@uberwaltzi used the Classe for all my video sources and my DAC.  It worked very well.  If I wouldn’t have tried the Esoteric I could have lived with the Classe for a long time.  I didn’t use the internal DAC or streaming capability though. 
Class D is just Dandy!
I have tried a several Class D amps over the past 18 months.  I have owned a PS Audio HCA-2, Classe Sigma 2200i, Lyngdorf TDAI 2170, and now have an Esoteric I-03 integrated.  My ranking in in order of preference is:Esoteric I-03Classe Sigma 2200i... 
Class D is just Dandy!
"I don't know why people have to defend or overly praise Class D compared to other amplifier topologies when the end result is if you like it then keep listening. - @sfseayThose defenses, explainations, and informed opinions are what helped motiva... 
Class D is just Dandy!
I have had Class D amps from Classe (Sigma 2200i), Auralic (Merak Mono Blocks), PS Audio (HCA-2) and currently use a Lyngdorf TDAI-2170.  The Lyngdorf and Classe amplifiers were designed in-house and didn't use off the shelf modules.  Don't know i... 
Class D is just Dandy!
Poor George...he wants evidence from measurements vs. using his ears... 
I think I've Just Seen Absolute Proof That Audiophiles Are Insanely Gullible
Some of the funniest and unbelievably stupid things I read everyday are are in audioforums.  It is stunning how many people are duped by claims of experts and arm chair prothlitizers.  There is a lot of snake oil and out there and tons right false... 
Most satisfying system change in 2017?
PS Audio Directstream DAC and DirectStream Memory Player 
Issues with AudiogoN forum website, anyone?
Me too.  At least ten times tonight!