

Responses from sfseay

Best Integrated Amp You Ever Heard?
Not the best there is, but I would say the one I currently own. Mark Levinson No. 585 
Ever Bought an Audio Product that was Stupid Good for the Money?
A six month old used Lumin S1! Awesome Streamer/DAC combo. Beats the hell out of everything else I have tried from Auralic, Aurender, and PS Audio. 
Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio?
I prefer USAudiomart.  I get better quality buyers and selling is free.  Audiogon buyers tend to want to haggle forever and tire kick. 
Sonus Faber Alternatives That Offer Similar Sound and Performance, your expertise needed!
Your question is unanswerable.  When the right deal comes along for your budget grab it. In the mean time be happy with what you have. 
Preamp: Parasound P5 vs Rotel RC1590
I’ve owned both the P5 and the RC-1590.  I purchased and promptly returned the Rotel and purchased the P5.  I didn’t like the presentation of the Rotel.  Sounded masked and had a much smaller soundstage then the P5.  P5 was much better sounding to me 
shipping boxes for heavy electronics
I have received an Esoteric I-03 and a Mark Levinson No 585 in the past couple of months that weighed 98 and 92 pounds respectively. They both arrived triple boxed in the manufaturer’s packing. 
Class D Technology
The Esoteric I-03 Class D integrated is one of the best implementations of a Class D integrated amplifier ever made!  BOLD WORDS for a stellar integrated.  MSRP was $12,000.00.With all that said, I don’t think the snobby audiophiles went for it.To... 
New Sony HAP-Z1ES Firmware Out Today
@pro_info - make sure your Sony is set to - DSD Output (DoP) - On 
New Sony HAP-Z1ES Firmware Out Today
@highstandards - My settings on my Sony HAP-Z1 to connect to the Auralic Vega DAC are:DSEE - AutoGapless Playback - AutoVolume Normalization - AutoDSD Remastering - OnOversampling - OnUSB Digital Output - Auto- DSD Output (DoP) - OnFade In/Out - O... 
Timbernation Platform Problems
Received my new rack from TimberNation today.  Awesome piece of furniture.  Wonderful craftsmanship and hassle free!See photos here - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1XHvw-Pjor7jPjOd-Mb2NIhX2ZxYLQ4qK 
Equipment that has made you 'stop' looking?
After auditioning several integrated amplifiers over the last two years I have settled on the Mark Levinson No. 585 integrated.  It will stay around for a long time.  I’m also be happy with the recently acquired Focal Sopra No. 1s.   
Worst Rock Band Ever !!!!
I will really go out on a limb here and say U2, Kiss, Phil Collins 
Anyone tried a Mark Levinson 585 integrated amp with Focal Sopra No. 1s or Sopra No. 2s
@Joey_V - not really a fair comparison of the ML 585 DAC to the Emm Labs DAC2X at $15,000.00 MSRP or the Esoteric K03X at an MSRP of $12,000.   
Anyone tried a Mark Levinson 585 integrated amp with Focal Sopra No. 1s or Sopra No. 2s
@mmcelyea - I plan to compare them in the next few days.  I can easily start the same song streaming at the same time through the PS Audio DAC and the ML 585 DAC and see what I hear.    
Class D is just Dandy!
It seems clear @bluesy41 doesn’t have a clue about Class A Amos.  You can’t make broad statements about any amp Class.  There are Class A amps on Amazon starting at $500.00 and some of them they sound pretty bad.