
Responses from sevs

Schitt Audio Still in business???
Guys, get their Kindle book Schiit Happened off Amazon for $4, both "founding fathers" are pretty articulate, Jason Stoddard even sells sci-fi stories. Fun read, plus most (i wanted to say All) of the Q raised here already answered. Or save $4 and... 
help a Die hard ANALOG guy choose a budget CDP
Yes, its them! My CDS3 had its laser mech excanged three(!) times by AVOptions, but my older "olive series" CDX works non-stop for 17 years now without any glitches. I am Very happy with Naim service... My experience with Linn was not this pleasur... 
help a Die hard ANALOG guy choose a budget CDP
First things first: audition Naim budget CD player if u can: CD5 or used CD3, these should go for under a thou. My CDS3 or my older CDX cannot beat my Keel-ed Sondek/Aro but they do sound "alive" playing CDs...ripping my collection of a few thousa... 
MQA - One Filter to Rule them All?
Stereophile, in my opinion, gives pretty negative spin on MQA: they just  ask polite Q and let the guy do the talking. The answers smell bull to high heavens! Thanks for the tip, I will try to read TAS take on this, i cancelled TAS subscription a ... 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
I concur... I have all early Vangelis albums and 1492 is my favorite also! By the emotional impact it is similar to Jean Michel Jarre "Redez-Vous" which was Jarre's requiem for a friend he lost when Challenger crashed 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
Boxer12, we should request that amp with tubes the size of a bottle to put together a distillery from fermented coconut milk ;-) Cannot find that amp though, i think i saw its photo in Hi-Fi+ once 
recommendation on new brush
I wish I bought NittyGritty. When I flip record on VPI I know that just-cleaned side picks up some dirt from the platter. No comments from me about Last, I used it on a few records, then got lazy. Wish someone would come up with digital equivalent... 
recommendation on new brush
I used AQ carbon fiber brush (looks the same as Audio-Technica, sleevecity, etc), but in my hands carbon fiber brushing vinyl produces sooo much static that even double-sided Scotch cannot keep felt mat on the platter when I flip the record. I pre... 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
I play Uriah Heep "Demons and Wizards" much more often than Led Zeppelin, Yes, or even the Stones. Tie with Deep Purple: given a choice of July Morning or Smoke on the Water I would probably die like Buridan's ass even before getting to the Islan... 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
CHUCK928: thank you for chipping in, how did I forget about The Shutov Assembly, its a Must (and Nerve Net, of course!) i got myself a new hobby of restoration/upgrade of the 1st gen of portable CD players (selling them on eBay seems too stressful... 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
Dudes, we are doing it! Repopulating the Island!! And it looks good!!! On my third coming to the island I bring:Goose Island by CamelShamal by Gong (this LP is my lifesaver for those painful hangover mornings!)The Colour of Spring by Talk Talk for... 
Equipment Rack
Wow, this is even more fun than interconnects/power cords discussions! As I said before re. Valhalla for Naim Audio boxes, no one of us, mere consumers will ever be able to check all our options! Demo-ing in brick-and-mortar shops is our only choi... 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
David12, Thank you for sharing! This game had been played zillion times but the initial intent you described here had been, unfortunately, "lost in translation"! The game, in my humble opinion, is about learning something about the person (this po... 
You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...
Once we all get to the Desert Island, this island will be nicely stuffed with music!!!    :-)DANVIGNAU, thank you for flushing PF fans out of the closet, because I was a bit worried what is happening here. So, while we all On The Island, here is t... 
Who is you go to for top quality vinyl
Here is the link to Art Dudley article about : very idea of counting pops and clicks is new to me, but for those who already know what to expect from the s...