
Responses from sedond

Lowther based speakers, worth a listen?
there's an interesting lowther-based design that seems intriguing - the hedlund horn - anyone have any experience w/this?: thanks, doug 
Vinyl vs. CD
jeez, carl, i only contributed to this thread cuz of actual experiences i've had w/preamps, which may (or may not) benefit some of the readers, & all i get back is defensiveness & ill-will. of *course* i'm speculating about your preamp - D... 
Vinyl vs. CD
i don't demand anyone share my views, & i don't pretend anything. no pomposity on my part, either. my 2-cents worth, thrown in w/everyone else's, should, hopefully, help folks w/their audio systems. dunno about ewe, but it's helped me. i find ... 
Vinyl vs. CD
carl, i think ewe have an *excellent* vinyl rig, an *excellent* cd-player, an *exellent* amp. i owned the fono-stage ewe use, & dint care for it - a bit too dry for my tastes, but perhaps it matches better w/yer benz cartridge, which is known ... 
Proac and Golden Tube SE-40
hi tee, proac sez use the ar 100.2 amp & either the ar ls-16 or ls-25 preamps... mite wanna try it. my relative yust made this switch & is in *heaven*. i haven't heard it yet, but i did hear his system sound great w/alchemist gear before h... 
Vinyl vs. CD
carl, i'm not surprised that yer vinyl rig surpasses the quality of yer cd rig. but, yust *imagine* the improvements to yer vinyl yude realize w/an upgrade to yer preamp. i only have to assume that yer preamp could use upgrading, as ewe previously... 
Neutrik XLR to RCA Adapters
the xlr inputs-n-outputs on my melos music director preamp are neutriks - they should be ok... ;~) doug 
Neutrik XLR to RCA Adapters
i can get 'em over-the-counter at a local music store for $6.50 each - m/m, f/f, f/m, m/f. they have 'em in-stock. mebbe i should go into bizniz on the 'net selling 'em? ;~) seriously, try any large shop that caters to the pro-music industry - ya ... 
Rowland/ProAc 2.5 vs. Sonus Faber Amp/GP
proacs do work well w/many amps, but proac *does* recommend the ar 100.2 amp & the ls-16 or ls-25 if ewe ask 'em... 
My wife is so uncool!
hi blkadr, the stars are yust for emphasis - this medium being so impersonal-n-all... regards, doug. 
Tube sound: Pre-amp vs. amp?
john_1 sez: "... Results and taste may vary ! " i gotta agree w/that! ;~) in *my* case, a tubed preamp made a *big* difference - big increase in soundstage depth w/*no* loss of detail (to my linn kairn w/slimline version of their brilliant switch-... 
Help choosing digital front end.
while never having heard the r/a cd-players, i know of others besides carl that are enthusiastic about them, so one of these used would be something to keep on your list. that being said, your current cd-player isn't too shabby, & i'd suspect ... 
Vinyl vs. CD
jeez, i have a decent vinyl rig, but by no means anywhere near the top of the food-chain, at least as far as price goes! ;~) while i *do* get some unwanted noise on some of my discs in less-than-pristine condition, for the most part, it isn't a pr... 
Best CD Player for $1000
any decent $300-$500 cd player w/a $500-$700 better preamp... ;~) doug 
The best sounding FM Tuner is.....
tuners i like that i've heard include the magnums, the onix bwd1 w/soap p/s, the naim & linn tuners, revox, & the sequerra. also, the tandberg 3001/3001a - isn't this one the one yer referring to, dschoenberg? i had a 3011a in my home for ...