
Responses from sedond

if ya like the proac, keep yer eyes peeled, & ewe will find a pair of 1.5's in your price-range. re: inwitin' all of us to yer li'l shack fer auditions, hmmm... dunno how well that'd go over w/the boyfriend... ;~)good luck, doug 
C/W music Audiogon members
earlier, i said *count me out* when it came to c/w, w/the exception of lyle lovett. but reading what others tink passes for country here, i guess i'm having second thoughts... ;~) 
Tandberg 3001 and 3001A
tanks, cornfedboy, i guess i don't have to get my brother-in-law to bring over his 3001 to a-b w/my onix/soap, now... ;~) 
RB300 arm for LP12
musikdoc beat me to the punch - i'm another satisfied o-l rb250 user... mine's on an oracle.... 
Coping in an Age of Uncertainty
cornfedboy, the only way i'm gonna replace my $500 nad cd-changer is if it breaks. if/when a new format emerges w/software awailable like current redbook cd's, then isle consider an upgrade. i tried cd-players up to $3k that offered no improvement... 
rox, if ya like yer boyfriends' rig, stay away from the vandy's - yule miss the transparency, soundstage & detail of the proacs. better to find a used pair of proac 1.5's, or something more along those lines, regarding accuracy & detail. m... 
Sub-sat system the ultimate compromise ?
i tink the sub-sat arrangement *is* the way-to-go - yust ask many designers of cost-no-object speaker-systems, which are in-fact sub-sat designs.i have good results using a pair of vmps larger subs & a marchand deluxe version of their xm-9 x-o... 
What is in a Naim ?
sounds a lot like linn, ackshully... i had a kairn preamp for a few years - did everything right, except it had a flat, 2-dimensional soundstage. similar to what i heard at stores, also... 
What is in a Naim ?
cornfedboy, always glad to hear an erudite gentleman such as yerself speaking out in support of my lowly onix/soap tuna. :>) the place i bought it years ago also had a nait-01 set-up; i woodn't a said the onix bettered it, but it was certainly ... 
New Music vs. New Equipment
hi nil,i use an onix bwd1 tuna w/soap power-supply. i've heard the nec, & it's decent, but not in the same class, imho. i haven't heard the etude, but the 101 is nice. i still like my onix better. i also have a revox b-261 that compares favora... 
Win a power cord.
"umbillical"thanks, ewe can yust send me the cord now. the *power* cord, that is... :>) email me off-forum for my home address.thank you, doug ;~) 
opinions- Dynavector DV501 Tonearm
i always thought the 501 was a the 1st iteration, the 505 the second, the 507 the toid. they have a www that gives good info on these arms. i've heard they're excellent, tho no 1st-hand experience. i was strongly considering one for my oracle prio... 
Tandberg 3001 and 3001A
i've heard both tunas, but not in direct a-b comparison. that said, i tink i'd choose the tandberg for sound. these can be wery spendy to keep maintained, tho - assume the presets will get stuck & need a few hundred-dollard-worth to make right... 
Wisdom Audio Adrenaline 75 dipoles?
for 20-25% of the money, ya mite wanna czech out the newforM research r645's, (or the nhb645's, especially if ya run subwoofers). see their www, & the reviews on 30-day in-home trial - yure only out shipping if they don't do i... 
Melos updates worth it?
hi narrod, czech out the fone number & email address - they answer, respond, & want yer biz... ;~) regards, doug